
news/2024/7/5 1:45:42




卸载linux系统装win,如何在计算机上删除 Linux 并安装 Windows

多个 IDE 驱动器Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System/dev/hda1 * 1 500 4016218 83 Linux native (IDE hard drive 1, partition 1)/dev/hda2 501 522 176715 82 Linux swap (IDE hard drive 1, partition 2)/dev/hdb1 1 500 4016218 83 Linux native (IDE hard drive 2, p…

latex 插图解释_大O符号-只需插图和视频即可解释

latex 插图解释Big O notation is used to communicate how fast an algorithm is. This can be important when evaluating other people’s algorithms, and when evaluating your own! In this article, I’ll explain what Big O notation is and give you a list of the m…

IntelliJ IDEA控制台输出中文乱码问题解决

如果还不行,那么再极端的设置,在IDEA启动的时候强制设置为UTF-8: 打开增加-Dfile.encodingUTF-8,重启Intellij IDEA 再或者直接在项目运行的时候加入UTF-8的设置 如果还是不行,那么你可能装了一个假的IDEA。

[算法] [常微分方程] [欧拉法 改进欧拉法 经典R-K算法]

1 #include<iostream>2 #include<cmath>3 #include<cstdio>4 #include<iomanip>5 using namespace std;6 double h0.1;//步差7 double xi[11]{0};8 double ol_yi[11]{1};9 double gol_yi[11]{1}; 10 double rk_yi[11]{1}; 11 double real_yi[11]{1}; 1…

linux 端口 流量统计,Linux下如何对端口流量进行统计



使用说明&#xff1a;新建文件&#xff0c;直接复制粘贴&#xff0c;保存文件为html 格式&#xff0c;在浏览器运行即可&#xff1b; 第一种&#xff1a; <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/loos…

在Google Cloud Platform上持续部署Node.js

by Gautam Arora由Gautam Arora 在Google Cloud Platform上持续部署Node.js (Continuous Deployment for Node.js on the Google Cloud Platform) Google Cloud Platform (GCP) provides a host of options for Node developers to easily deploy our apps. Want a managed ho…


------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------0.真机远程管理虚拟机telnet 明文传输 tcp 23ssh 加密传输 tcp 22ssh -X root172.25.0.11 //真机远程管理 ser…