postgres语法_SQL Create Table解释了MySQL和Postgres的语法示例

news/2024/7/1 4:12:53


A table is a group of data stored in a database.


To create a table in a database you use the  CREATE TABLE  statement. You give a name to the table and a list of columns with its datatypes.

要在数据库中创建表,请使用CREATE TABLE语句。 您为表命名,并为其数据类型指定列列表。

CREATE TABLE TABLENAME(Attribute1 Datatype, Attribute2 Datatype,........);

Here’s an example creating a table named Person:


CREATE TABLE Person(Id int not null,Name varchar not null,DateOfBirth date not null,Gender bit not null,PRIMARY KEY( Id )

In the example above, each Person has a Name, a Date of Birth and a Gender. The Id column is the key that identifies one person in the table. You use the keyword  PRIMARY KEY  to configure one or more columns as a primary key.

在上面的示例中,每个人都有一个姓名,出生日期和性别。 Id列是标识表中一个人的键。 您可以使用关键字PRIMARY KEY将一个或多个列配置为主键。

A column can be  not null  or  null  indicating whether it is mandatory or not.

列不能为not nullnull指示它是否为必需的。

有关CREATE TABLE命令SQL指南的更深入的指南 (A More In-Depth Guide to the SQL Guide to the CREATE TABLE command)

This guide is an overview to the basics of the SQL  CREATE TABLE  functions.

本指南概述了SQL CREATE TABLE函数的基础知识。

We will be using MySQL for all examples throughout these freeCodeCamp SQL guides. MySQL is a used frequently on websites for the backend database, 2) it’s free, and is fun and easy to use.

这些freeCodeCamp SQL指南中的所有示例都将使用MySQL。 MySQL在后端数据库的网站上经常使用,2)它是免费的,并且有趣且易于使用。

本指南涵盖 (Covered in this Guide)

  • Creating a schema, the container for all our database objects.

  • Create a table so we have something to alter.

  • Creating a table by importing a CSV file and altering that table

  • Creating a table using the MySQL workbench tool


We do most of this work with SQL statements in the MySQL workbench scripting tool. We will also see how to Create a table using the workbench interface instead of with SQL statements.

我们使用MySQL工作台脚本工具中SQL语句来完成大部分工作。 我们还将看到如何使用工作台界面而不是SQL语句创建表。

关系数据库的高层结构 (High level structure of a Relational Database)

  1. Highest level; The Database; the database system installation. In this case, it’s MySQL. Called “Local instance MySQL Router” in the screen shots above.

    最高水平; 数据库; 数据库系统安装。 在这种情况下,它是MySQL。 在上面的屏幕截图中称为“本地实例MySQL路由器”。
  2. Next is a Schema; a container for the objects needed to managed data in a relational database system.

    接下来是一个模式; 一个关系数据库系统中管理数据所需的对象的容器。
  3. Objects we create (tables, indexes, stored procedures, functions) to manage the system and its data


创建一个MySQL模式 (Creating a MySQL schema)

The schema is a container for a the objects required to manage the data for a given subject or process. We show examples as we progress in this guide.

模式是用于管理给定主题或过程的数据所需的对象的容器。 我们将在本指南中逐步展示示例。

We’ll create the schema for our learning and testing using the SQL command;


create database fCC_alterTableGuide;

This instances schema structure prior to running this command


创建表,使用“插入”添加测试数据,重命名表(更改) (Creating a table, add test data with “insert”, rename the table (alter))

We’ll create a Student Table.


The steps will be:


  1. make sure we don’t have the table already

  2. create the table

  3. insert the test data.

  4. Data Types: the student name is a character field limited to 90 characters

  5. The student ID is a number (integer) (range of -2147483648 to 2147483647). This will be the primary key for the table and will auto increment when a record is added.

    学生ID是一个数字(整数)(范围-2147483648至2147483647)。 这将是表的主键,并且在添加记录时将自动递增。
  6. There will also be two “time-stamp” fields to play with as well


Create statement and display of results from execution.


Using a Select statement we’ll see that the table is there but now records have been added.


Now to insert some data and see what our new table looks like with records in it (and understand create and update timestamps);


The first time stamp is the creation data and time and the 2nd is the update date and time. Changing a record should update ts2 but not ts1. Let’s take a look.

第一个时间戳是创建数据和时间,第二个时间戳是更新日期和时间。 更改记录应更新ts2,但不能更新ts1。 让我们来看看。

使用MySql Workbench创建表 (Create a table with the MySql Workbench)

Right click on the “Tables” under the schema you want the new file placed in. Select Create Table. Then, complete the form as desired and click Apply

右键单击要在其中放置新文件的模式下的“表”。选择“创建表”。 然后,根据需要填写表格,然后单击“应用”。

创建表为选择(CTAS) (Create Table as Select (CTAS))

A quick way to create a copy of a table, including data is to create table as select.


CREATE TABLE my table as (SELECT * FROM orig tbl);

将表创建为(SELECT * FROM orig tbl);

通过导入CSV文件创建并填充表格 (Create and populate a table by importing a CSV file)

Right click on the “Tables” under the schema you want the new file placed in. Select Table Data Import.


Select the CSV file to import and click NEXT Usually you create a new table from the data, select the options desired and click NEXT


Adjust the data types as needed and click NEXT.


Click NEXT (on this screen and the next one that is displayed) to import the data into the table You’ll see completion status, review and click FINISH


其他材质 (Other Material)

There lots more detail to cover this topic so install MySQL and have fun!






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