
news/2024/7/1 3:59:56


I have wanted to share my story for a while, but I didn’t know exactly how to start, or even what name to give it.


But recently I was talking with someone that I met when I was younger (when I was studying biology). A person who, after all these years, I now work with as a web developer. I asked for help with this article, and he gave me this idea for the title. I immediately fell in love with it. Thanks for that! Now I have somewhere to start.

但是最近我正在和一个我小时候遇到的人聊天(当我学习生物学的时候)。 这些年来,我现在是一名Web开发人员。 我在这篇文章上寻求帮助,他给了我这个标题的想法。 我立即爱上了它。 感谢那! 现在我有一个地方要开始。

I hope that my story inspires you also to go after what you want.


开始 (The beginning)

A year ago exactly, at the age of 30, I started my story within web development. But first things first.

恰好在一年前,我30岁那年,我在Web开发领域开始了自己的故事。 但是首先是第一件事。

I graduated with a degree in marine biology some years ago. I have a boat driver's license, I’m a SCUBA diver, and I love all things sea-related. But life doesn’t always go the way we expect, and sometimes we have setbacks.

几年前,我获得了海洋生物学学位。 我有乘船执照,是一名潜水员,而且我喜欢与海有关的所有事物。 但是生活并不总是像我们期望的那样发展,有时我们会遇到挫折。

I got in a really serious car accident that made me unable to walk for a long time. I spent two months in a hospital bed and another one at home. When I finally started doing physical therapy to be able to walk again, it wasn’t a process that made me feel healed right away.

我发生了一场严重的车祸,使我无法长时间行走。 我在医院的病床上度过了两个月,在家中度过了另一个月。 当我终于开始进行物理治疗以使自己能够再次行走时,这并不是让我立即康复的过程。

For years I had a lot of pain. I was unable to complete certain movements or walk for any length of time. I felt that I was incapable of doing things for myself. And I didn't think I could even try to go after a job related to my field (or at least work outdoors) which was what I really wanted to do.

多年以来,我一直很痛苦。 我无法完成某些动作或行走任何时间。 我觉得自己无能为力。 而且我什至认为我什至无法尝试去从事与我的领域相关的工作(或者至少是在户外工作),而这正是我真正想要做的。

开关 (The switch)

Then, 2 years ago, I started to think about what else I loved. I always enjoyed making small changes on blogger or tumblr, inserting scripts, and so on. So, I researched courses related to something like that. After a lot of investigation and conversations with people in tech, I finally decided to attend a Web Design course.

然后,在2年前,我开始考虑自己喜欢的东西。 我一直很喜欢在Blogger或tumblr上进行一些小的更改,插入脚本等等。 因此,我研究了类似的课程。 经过大量调查和与技术人员的交谈,我最终决定参加Web设计课程。

我如何决定课程 (How I decided on a course)

I chose a course after talking with several people in tech. It’s important to get opinions and tips from people who have been in similar jobs for several years. I talked with a developer, a graphic designer, and people whom I find interesting on LinkedIn. This phase was very important in helping me decide what I wanted to do.

与几位技术人员交谈后,我选择了一门课程。 重要的是要从从事类似工作的人那里获得意见和提示。 我与开发人员,图形设计师以及在LinkedIn上发现有趣的人进行了交谈。 这个阶段对于帮助我决定我想做什么非常重要。

I took the Web Design course at the Lisbon School of Design. A friend recommended it for design-related certifications. I ended up realizing that the creative part was the one that I liked most, and not the marketing or publicity areas.

我在里斯本设计学院上了Web设计课程。 一位朋友将其推荐给与设计相关的认证。 最后,我意识到创意部分是我最喜欢的部分,而不是市场营销或宣传领域。

The course covered a lot. Here are some of the topics we learned about:

课程涵盖了很多。 以下是我们了解的一些主题:

  • how to conduct a good briefing

  • how to organize ideas

  • all about UX and UI

  • web design tools and concepts

  • how to deliver a full website design and its prototype

  • digital marketing.


In the last part of the course, our task was to build our own website based on our prototype, using HTML, CSS, JQuery, JavaScript, PHP and SQL.


The course ran from October 2017 until July 2018. I was working part-time in a store and half of my wages went towards paying for the course every month.


After I finished the course I kept on studying, focusing on front end development. I even reduced my working hours, because I was very committed to studying. I told myself that I was going to change careers that year. My only focus became that main goal. No distractions, no “but this” or “but that”.

完成课程后,我继续学习,专注于前端开发。 我什至减少了工作时间,因为我非常致力于学习。 我告诉自己,那年我要换职业。 我唯一的重点就是那个主要目标。 没有干扰,没有“但是”或“但是”。

并非一切都容易 (Not everything was easy)

Throughout the process I had two major problems. One was at home. My dad never believed that taking a professional course instead of getting a university degree was a serious path. He always said that it was just a way that some companies steal money from people like me – people who believed that they could change careers like this.

在整个过程中,我遇到了两个主要问题。 一个人在家。 我父亲从未相信,专业课程而不是大学学位是一条严肃的道路。 他总是说,这只是一些公司从像我这样的人那里偷钱的人,这些人认为他们可以像这样改变职业。

The course was very expensive, and I had neither help nor a kind word from him. In fact, it was the opposite. But I believed in myself and I signed up for it anyway.

这门课程非常昂贵,我既没有帮助也没有他的好消息。 实际上,情况恰恰相反。 但是我相信自己,无论如何我还是签了名。

The second problem was that in the beginning, during the Web Design component, we had to use a lot Photoshop and Adobe Creative in order to create the design for our website and logo. Everyone else seemed to have some knowledge about these design tools already, and it was easy for them to start making things appear. For me it took more time, and I felt a little dumb.

第二个问题是,一开始,在Web设计组件中,我们不得不使用大量的Photoshop和Adobe Creative来创建网站和徽标的设计。 其他人似乎都已经对这些设计工具有所了解,并且他们很容易就可以开始制作东西了。 对我来说,这花费了更多的时间,我感到有些傻。

I started to watch tutorials at home to keep up with the course. Sometimes I felt that I wouldn’t make it and that, maybe, my dad was right. But after those moments of uncertainty, there were also moments in which I accomplished new things and I felt very proud of myself. So, I kept going.

我开始在家中观看教程,以跟上课程进度。 有时我觉得我做不到,也许,我父亲是对的。 但是在那些不确定的时刻之后,还有一些时刻,我完成了新的事情,我为自己感到非常自豪。 所以,我一直走。

求职过程 (The job hunting process)

After I finished the course, I immediately started to search for front end jobs, because it was the part of the course that I loved the most.


The first thing that I did was update my LinkedIn profile. I changed my title, description, added the course and the skills I had learned. Then I changed my settings so recruiters would know that I was available for job offers. I also started to add more people from different companies that I found interesting. Finally, I created a list of companies that I wanted to work for and sent emails with my updated CV (I created one in Photoshop and saved that as a PDF).

我所做的第一件事是更新我的LinkedIn个人资料。 我更改了标题,说明,添加了我所学的课程和技能。 然后我更改了设置,以便招聘人员知道我可以提供工作。 我还开始添加更多来自不同公司的人,这些人我觉得很有趣。 最后,我创建了一个我想工作的公司列表,并使用更新后的简历发送电子邮件(我在Photoshop中创建了一个公司并将其另存为PDF)。

I went to two interviews in the two weeks after I updated my LinkedIn profile, but they weren’t quite what I was searching for. But I went anyway to practice my interview skills. Meanwhile I started to code my own portfolio and hosted it in GitHub. I think this is very important for someone who codes.

更新我的LinkedIn个人资料后的两周内,我接受了两次采访,但他们并不是我要找的东西。 但是我还是去练习面试技巧。 同时,我开始编写自己的作品集并将其托管在GitHub中。 我认为这对于编码人员非常重要。

While I was researching companies to work for, I found that a friend of mine worked for a consultancy. I asked her if they needed front end developers and she said yes. She asked me for my CV so she could share it internally. A week later I was called in for an interview.

当我研究要工作的公司时,我发现我的一个朋友为一家咨询公司工作。 我问她是否需要前端开发人员,她说可以。 她要求我提供我的简历,以便可以在内部分享。 一周后,我被邀请接受采访。

On the day of the interview, after waiting a short while, a really nice lady (that would become my manager) introduced herself and took me to a meeting room. There I was introduced to a Business Manager and to a Senior Front End developer. They asked me several questions about my journey that year along with some technical questions.

面试当天,稍等片刻后,一位非常好女士(将成为我的经理)介绍了自己,并将我带到会议室。 在那里,我被介绍给业务经理和高级前端开发人员。 他们问了我有关那一年的旅程的几个问题以及一些技术问题。

I didn’t know much about the huge coding world at that time, but I showed a lot of interest in learning and evolving. They liked my dedication and commitment to changing careers more than my knowledge. A week later the company called me back with the good news: I had gotten the job!

当时我对庞大的编码世界了解不多,但是我对学习和发展表现出了极大的兴趣。 他们比我的知识更喜欢我的奉献精神和对改变职业的承诺。 一周后,公司给我打电话来了个好消息:我找到了工作!

And so that's how I got my first tech job. I couldn’t believe it – I was so happy. Just two months after I finished my course. I wasn’t expecting it.

这就是我获得第一份技术工作的方式。 我简直不敢相信–我真高兴。 我完成课程仅两个月。 我没想到。

Top tip: Networking in this field is extremely important. Both of my jobs were obtained through networking.

最重要的提示:在该领域中建立网络非常重要。 我的两个工作都是通过网络获得的。

When you have the opportunity to go to a technology event, don’t miss it. Talk with people. Ask questions. Show an interest in what they do or their jobs. Exchange contact details.

当您有机会参加技术活动时,请不要错过。 与人交谈。 问问题。 对他们的工作或工作表现出兴趣。 交流联系方式。

开始我的第一份工作 (Starting My First Job)

When I got my first job offer it felt almost unreal. I only believed it after I was seated at my desk. At the same time, I felt like I deserved to be where I was and that all the hard work paid off. But I still felt so scared.

当我获得第一份工作时,感觉几乎是不真实的。 我只是坐在桌子上才相信。 同时,我觉得我应该成为自己的位置,所有的辛勤工作得到了回报。 但是我还是很害怕。

One of the first projects that I worked on was creating A/B tests with the marketing team. They had the ideas and I made them come alive.

我从事的第一个项目是与营销团队一起创建A / B测试。 他们有了主意,我使它们活跃起来。

I didn’t have a senior front end developer by my side at that time, though. It was a little frustrating because I needed some advanced JavaScript and CSS to make the changes within the limitations of a tool that I was using. I asked my colleagues for help but it was difficult since there wasn’t a big development team.

但是,那时我没有资深的前端开发人员在身边。 有点令人沮丧,因为我需要一些高级JavaScript和CSS来在我使用的工具范围内进行更改。 我向同事求助,但是因为没有大的开发团队,所以很难。

After that I started to study Vue.js for another project that I was going to be a part of. I was starting to feel that, at this first job, I wasn’t evolving. It wasn’t providing me with the growth I needed to progress my knowledge, most likely because no one with a senior role was supporting me or training me.

之后,我开始研究Vue.js,这是我将要参与的另一个项目。 我开始感到,在这份第一份工作中,我没有发展。 这并没有为我提供发展我的知识所需要的成长,这很可能是因为没有一个具有高级职位的人在支持我或培训我。

改变游戏规则的人:邀请 (The Game-changer: An Invitation )

Coincidence or not, a few days earlier, I went to a friend’s birthday party. There, I made some connections and met a great friend who has always believed in me. He invited me to another party where I met the owners of the company of my future job, where I’m working now. I immediately fell in love with the office and the company on that day.

是否巧合,几天前,我参加了朋友的生日聚会。 在那儿,我建立了联系,并遇到了一个一直信任我的好朋友。 他邀请我参加另一个聚会,在那里我遇到了我现在工作的公司的老板。 那天,我立即爱上了办公室和公司。

第二次面试 (Second job interview)

After some time, my new friend asked me to send in my CV. I didn’t have high hopes – I felt that was too good to be true, me working there, as I was such a junior. But I was called in for an interview. First it was just me and a senior front end dev.

一段时间后,我的新朋友要求我发送简历。 我没有很高的希望-我在那工作,因为我还很初级,所以感觉真是太好了。 但是我被要求接受采访。 首先是我和一个高级前端开发人员。

The interview went very well. It was more of a technical interview, to help them understand what I knew so far. The interviewer was very easy-going, and he gave me some tips for what I should focus on learning.

采访进行得很好。 这更像是一次技术面试,以帮助他们了解我到目前为止所知道的。 面试官很随和,他给了我一些我应该重点学习的技巧。

After that, I was called in to a second interview with two managers through Skype. It was a little intimidating, as the Surface Hub is big and made me feel very small. Besides that, the interview was in English and I hadn't spoken English daily for years, so I was very rusty. This second interview was more related to teams, how to handle conflicts, soft skills, my personal goals and my intentions.

在那之后,我通过Skype被邀请接受了两位经理的第二次采访。 这有点令人生畏,因为Surface Hub很大,让我感觉很小。 除此之外,面试是用英语进行的,多年来我一直没有每天讲英语,所以我感到非常生锈。 第二次面试与团队,如何处理冲突,软技能,我的个人目标和意图有关。

我的第二份(和当前)工作 (My Second (and current) Job)

I think only one week passed after my interview. But for me it felt like an eternity. Then they called me back saying that the job was mine.

我想面试后只过了一个星期。 但是对我来说,这就像永恒。 然后他们给我回电话说那工作是我的。

And that was really a dream come true!


Suddenly it seemed that all the effort of taking the course had totally paid off. I joined a team of several developers, with a project that was already very stable and well built. It was a good way to start because I didn’t have to build anything new, just had to made little changes.

突然之间,参加该课程的所有努力似乎都得到了回报。 我加入了一个由几个开发人员组成的团队,该项目已经非常稳定并且构建良好。 这是一个很好的开始,因为我不必构建任何新东西,只需要进行一些小的改动即可。

This was good because I was able to see the structure of a big project and was introduced to Agile development. Anytime that I needed help, I also had a senior frontend developer close to me, which was amazing.

这很好,因为我能够看到一个大型项目的结构并将其介绍给敏捷开发。 每当需要帮助时,我都会有一位资深前端开发人员在我身边,这真是太好了。

After a while I was asked to change projects. I went to a less well-organized project, by myself (although we are not ever really by ourselves. Anytime we need help, there is always someone available).

一段时间后,我被要求更改项目。 我自己一个人去参加一个组织性较差的项目(尽管我们从来都不是一个人。只要我们需要帮助,总会有人帮忙)。

This was actually great, because it allowed me to develop my soft skills. I had to have a closer connection with the client in order to find solutions or ideas for new things. I even had to make use of my Web Design and UX knowledge in this project. It was nice to be able to present several ideas to the client so we could come up with the best result. That was amazing and helped me get out of my shell.

这实际上很棒,因为它使我能够发展自己的软技能。 我必须与客户建立更紧密的联系,以便找到新事物的解决方案或想法。 在这个项目中,我什至不得不利用自己的Web设计和UX知识。 能够向客户提出一些想法很高兴,这样我们才能得出最好的结果。 这太神奇了,并帮助我摆脱了困境。

我现在在做什么 (What I'm doing now)

After a while I was asked to change projects again, and I'm currently working on this new project. This time, I have to build things from the beginning – not only the project structure but also new features.

一段时间后,我被要求再次更改项目,而我目前正在从事这个新项目。 这次,我必须从头开始构建东西–不仅是项目结构,还包括新功能。

I’m part of a great team and I have a lot of cool colleagues. I am growing and learning a lot, like I always wanted. It started with the styling, the typical CSS(Less/Sass), but now I’m getting more of what I want.

我是一个很棒的团队的成员,并且我有很多很酷的同事。 我一直在成长和学习很多东西,就像我一直想要的。 它从样式开始,即典型CSS(Less / Sass),但现在我得到了更多想要的东西。

At the same time I am afraid of always trying to do more complex stuff. I also have to take care of content management in the back office/admin area of our application and help with the testing.

同时,我害怕总是尝试做更复杂的事情。 我还必须照顾我们应用程序的后台/管理区域中的内容管理,并帮助进行测试。

我学到了什么 (What I've learned)

软技能很重要 (Soft skills do matter)

It’s important for us to be more than just good developers. When we are in an environment where we work with a lot of different people, it is also important to have events where people can join in.

对我们来说,重要的不仅仅是成为优秀的开发人员。 当我们处于与许多不同的人一起工作的环境中时,举办人们可以参加的活动也很重要。

In this case I found myself to be the perfect match, because I learned that if we want something to happen, we must go for it. So, always when possible, I try to keep up with activities, charity events, and meetings. It’s something that I really enjoy doing, and I'm good at pushing others to do new things, too. I like to show initiative in order to bring new experiences to my colleagues. I try to see myself as a booster.

在这种情况下,我发现自己是完美的匹配者,因为我了解到,如果我们想要发生某些事情,我们必须坚持下去。 因此,我总是尽可能地跟上活动,慈善活动和会议的进度。 这是我非常喜欢做的事情,而且我也很擅长推动他人去做新的事情。 我喜欢表现出主动性,以便为同事带来新的体验。 我试图将自己视为助推器。

可转让的技能 (Transferable skills)

One thing that I have noticed about myself, coming from another field, was my ability to adapt. When I move from one project to another, when I have to learn something new, when I’m confronted with something unexpected, I am always thinking of ways to overcome those obstacles. Sometimes that means thinking a little outside of the box, or adapting to what I can’t control. But I find that I am able to discover another way.

我从另一个领域注意到自己的一件事是我的适应能力。 当我从一个项目转移到另一个项目时,当我不得不学习新的东西时,当我面对意外的事情时,我总是在思考克服这些障碍的方法。 有时,这意味着要跳出一些思维框框,或者适应我无法控制的事物。 但是我发现我能够发现另一种方式。

Another thing that's helped me is the way that I always try to pass positivity on to my colleagues. Soft skills matter a lot when you work with a group of people, as I discussed before. Your mood affects others, and you can always use it in a good way.

帮我忙的另一件事是我一直试图将积极性传递给同事的方式。 正如我之前所讨论的那样,与一群人一起工作时,软技能非常重要。 您的情绪会影响他人,因此您始终可以良好地使用它。

编码有助于我的自我成长和自信 (Coding has helped my self-growth and confidence)

Being able to change careers and accomplish the goal that I established for myself has made me feel more confident. After some months working in the technology sector, I decided to realize one of my dreams: to travel to Japan. And I’m going to travel alone. A big trip, far away from home. Out of my comfort zone. But I feel that I can do it easily now.      

能够改变职业并实现我为自己设定的目标使我感到更加自信。 在技​​术领域工作了几个月后,我决定实现自己的梦想之一:前往日本。 而且我要独自旅行。 一次大旅行,离家很远。 走出我的舒适区。 但是我觉得我现在可以轻松做到。

There will always be hard moments in our path – things are not easy, and there are times when we feel that we want to quit, or that we are not capable. Those days are just that: days. We shouldn't build our lives around those days. But, rather, we should create the opportunity to have better days. Focus on your goals and never quit.

在我们的道路上总会有艰难的时刻–事情不容易,有时我们觉得自己想辞职,或者我们没有能力。 那些日子就是那几天。 那些日子我们不应该过着我们的生活。 但是,相反,我们应该创造机会拥有更好的日子。 专注于目标,永不放弃。

I’m not comfortable in my work, because coming from a different field makes me feel that I always must work harder or learn more. But the secret is to never let our fears overcome our dreams. Look around and exchange ideas with your friends and colleagues – they can help you a lot in tough moments.      

我对工作不满意,因为来自不同领域使我感到自己总是必须更加努力工作或学习更多。 但是秘诀是永远不要让我们的恐惧超越我们的梦想。 环顾四周并与您的朋友和同事交流想法–他们可以在艰难时刻为您提供很多帮助。

I’m now 31 years old and I’m happy that I didn't give up. I'm glad I decided to search for new challenges, to set goals, and to accomplish them.                  

我现在31岁,很高兴自己没有放弃。 我很高兴我决定寻找新的挑战,设定目标并完成任务。

Top tip: Take time for yourself. It’s never too late to believe in yourself. Do you have a dream? Then just go for it!                                                            
温馨提示:花点时间为自己。 相信自己永远不会太晚。 你有梦想吗? 然后就去吧!




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“ 我的文章被人盗版了。” 首先请关注本号的云技术君的马甲赶快取关,这里不欢迎你,你如果再抄我的文章去干坏事,你全家得新冠肺炎。 文章被盗版,被洗稿,且用来给菠菜党引流,我很生气。 好了&#xff0c…


欢迎大家前往腾讯云社区,获取更多腾讯海量技术实践干货哦~ 本文由腾讯音视频实验室发表于云社区专栏 在线“看片”时,我们经常会遇到这些事情:视频画面突然卡住进入缓冲状态或者视频画面突然变得模糊而不忍直视。这些事情的背后很可能是网络环…

Axure8.0 网页 or App 鼠标滚动效果

1、index 页下添加一个内联框架,设置好自己想要的尺寸。 2、右键点击该内联框架转换为动态面板,并取消勾选“自动调整为内容尺寸”。 3、双击 “内联框架”选择并双击“state1” 切换到“内联框架的state1”页面,将“内联框架”组件的滚动条设…

aws 认证_引入#AWSCertified挑战:您的第一个AWS认证之路

aws 认证You may already know that Amazon Web Services (AWS) is the largest, oldest, and most popular cloud service provider. But did you know they offer professional certifications, too?您可能已经知道Amazon Web Services(AWS)是最大,最古老和最受欢…


链客,专为开发者而生,有问必答! 此文章来自,未经允许拒绝转载。 笔者初学区块链,很多东西也是慢慢摸索,之所以写下这些基本概念一方面作为自己学习的整理,另一方面也…


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entjs 键盘监听

1.应用在textfield中的回车方式: var siteName new Ext.form.Field({id: loadUrl,//表单元素最好使用Id,不然在IE浏览器中表单内容将变形fieldLabel: 密码,listeners : {specialkey : function(field, e) {if (e.getKey() Ext.EventObject.ENTER) {ale…