Stephen Wolfram:机器学习与神经网络训练

news/2024/7/5 2:04:13

Machine Learning, and the Training of Neural Nets 


We’ve been talking so far about neural nets that “already know” how to do particular tasks. But what makes neural nets so useful (presumably also in brains) is that not only can they in principle do all sorts of tasks, but they can be incrementally “trained from examples” to do those tasks.


When we make a neural net to distinguish cats from dogs we don’t effectively have to write a program that (say) explicitly finds whiskers; instead we just show lots of examples of what’s a cat and what’s a dog, and then have the network “machine learn” from these how to distinguish them.


And the point is that the trained network “generalizes” from the particular examples it’s shown. Just as we’ve seen above, it isn’t simply that the network recognizes the particular pixel pattern of an example cat image it was shown; rather it’s that the neural net somehow manages to distinguish images on the basis of what we consider to be some kind of “general catness”.


So how does neural net training actually work? Essentially what we’re always trying to do is to find weights that make the neural net successfully reproduce the examples we’ve given. And then we’re relying on the neural net to “interpolate” (or “generalize”) “between” these examples in a “reasonable” way.


Let’s look at a problem even simpler than the nearest-point one above. Let’s just try to get a neural net to learn the function:



For this task, we’ll need a network that has just one input and one output, like:



But what weights, etc. should we be using? With every possible set of weights the neural net will compute some function. And, for example, here’s what it does with a few randomly chosen sets of weights:



And, yes, we can plainly see that in none of these cases does it get even close to reproducing the function we want. So how do we find weights that will reproduce the function?


The basic idea is to supply lots of “input → output” examples to “learn from”—and then to try to find weights that will reproduce these examples. Here’s the result of doing that with progressively more examples:

基本的想法是提供大量的“输入 → 输出”的例子来“学习”,然后尝试找到能复现这些例子的权重。以下是用越来越多的例子进行尝试的结果:


At each stage in this “training” the weights in the network are progressively adjusted—and we see that eventually we get a network that successfully reproduces the function we want. So how do we adjust the weights? The basic idea is at each stage to see “how far away we are” from getting the function we want—and then to update the weights in such a way as to get closer.


To find out “how far away we are” we compute what’s usually called a “loss function” (or sometimes “cost function”). Here we’re using a simple (L2) loss function that’s just the sum of the squares of the differences between the values we get, and the true values. And what we see is that as our training process progresses, the loss function progressively decreases (following a certain “learning curve” that’s different for different tasks)—until we reach a point where the network (at least to a good approximation) successfully reproduces the function we want:



Alright, so the last essential piece to explain is how the weights are adjusted to reduce the loss function. As we’ve said, the loss function gives us a “distance” between the values we’ve got, and the true values. But the “values we’ve got” are determined at each stage by the current version of neural net—and by the weights in it. But now imagine that the weights are variables—say wi. We want to find out how to adjust the values of these variables to minimize the loss that depends on them.

好的,最后一个需要解释的关键部分是如何调整权重以减小损失函数。如前所述,损失函数给我们提供了我们得到的值与真实值之间的“距离”。但是,“我们得到的值”在每个阶段都是由当前版本的神经网络及其权重决定的。现在假设权重是变量,设为 wi。我们想要找出如何调整这些变量的值以最小化依赖于它们的损失。

For example, imagine (in an incredible simplification of typical neural nets used in practice) that we have just two weights w1 and w2. Then we might have a loss that as a function of w1 and w2 looks like this:

例如,想象一下(在实际应用中对典型神经网络进行极大简化),我们只有两个权重 w1 和 w2。然后,我们可能会有一个损失函数,它作为 w1 和 w2的函数,如下所示:


Numerical analysis provides a variety of techniques for finding the minimum in cases like this. But a typical approach is just to progressively follow the path of steepest descent from whatever previous w1, w2 we had:

数值分析提供了各种技术来寻找像这样的情况下的最小值。但是一个典型的方法就是从我们以前的 w1,w2 开始,逐步跟随最陡峭的下降路径:


Like water flowing down a mountain, all that’s guaranteed is that this procedure will end up at some local minimum of the surface (“a mountain lake”); it might well not reach the ultimate global minimum.


It’s not obvious that it would be feasible to find the path of the steepest descent on the “weight landscape”. But calculus comes to the rescue. As we mentioned above, one can always think of a neural net as computing a mathematical function—that depends on its inputs, and its weights. But now consider differentiating with respect to these weights. It turns out that the chain rule of calculus in effect lets us “unravel” the operations done by successive layers in the neural net. And the result is that we can—at least in some local approximation—“invert” the operation of the neural net, and progressively find weights that minimize the loss associated with the output.


The picture above shows the kind of minimization we might need to do in the unrealistically simple case of just 2 weights. But it turns out that even with many more weights (ChatGPT uses 175 billion) it’s still possible to do the minimization, at least to some level of approximation. And in fact the big breakthrough in “deep learning” that occurred around 2011 was associated with the discovery that in some sense it can be easier to do (at least approximate) minimization when there are lots of weights involved than when there are fairly few.

上面的图片展示了我们可能需要在非常简化的情况下,仅针对两个权重进行最小化的情况。但事实证明,即使在有更多权重的情况下(ChatGPT 使用了 1750 亿个权重),仍然可以进行最小化处理,至少可以在一定程度上进行近似。事实上,大约在 2011 年发生的“深度学习”的重大突破与这样一个发现有关:在某种意义上,当涉及到大量权重时,进行(至少是近似的)最小化可能比涉及较少权重时更容易。

In other words—somewhat counterintuitively—it can be easier to solve more complicated problems with neural nets than simpler ones. And the rough reason for this seems to be that when one has a lot of “weight variables” one has a high-dimensional space with “lots of different directions” that can lead one to the minimum—whereas with fewer variables it’s easier to end up getting stuck in a local minimum (“mountain lake”) from which there’s no “direction to get out”.


It’s worth pointing out that in typical cases there are many different collections of weights that will all give neural nets that have pretty much the same performance. And usually in practical neural net training there are lots of random choices made—that lead to “different-but-equivalent solutions”, like these:



But each such “different solution” will have at least slightly different behavior. And if we ask, say, for an “extrapolation” outside the region where we gave training examples, we can get dramatically different results:



But which of these is “right”? There’s really no way to say. They’re all “consistent with the observed data”. But they all correspond to different “innate” ways to “think about” what to do “outside the box”. And some may seem “more reasonable” to us humans than others.






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