Global Illumination_SDF Generate Visualize Shadow

news/2024/7/7 20:00:26

Signed Distance Field(有向距离场),简称SDF,这其实是图形学中非常常用的数学概念。数学上来说,是定义在空间中的一个标量场,标量值为空间一点到曲面的距离。曲面外的点为正值,曲面上的点为0,曲面内的点为负数。对于需要渲染的3d场景来说,我们需要计算它到场景中所有物体的最近距离,来生成distance field。对场景生成distance field和distance filed的表达存储本身也都是一个复杂的话题,比如如何处理非闭的网格(unclosed mesh)。

UE5基于这个做了好多东西,有兴趣的可以翻一番UE源码。至于其具体是什么,能干什么,有哪些优缺点,网上一大堆,大家自行查找吧,可以参照Games202 第五节有详细介绍。

其实网上资料虽然多,但是大都是介绍一个通识,我们今天就把他的生成过程和经典使用(SDFShadow)来详细说一下,至于DFAO等其实原理都一样。文章可参照:Erebus - Real-Time Ray Tracing SDFs; UE4/5 Style DFAO and Soft Shadows [HDRP/URP/BUILT-IN] 讲的比较好。



  1. CS生成一张3D Texture来记录SDF信息;
  2. 使用SDF Texture来实现算法;




#define GROUP_SIZE 8
#define BVH_STACK_SIZE 32

cbuffer CSParams
    float3 SDFLower;
    int TriangleCount;
    float3 SDFUpper;
    int SignRayCount;
    float3 SDFExtent;
    int XBeg;
    int XEnd;

struct Node
    float minX;
    float minY;
    float minZ;
    float maxX;
    float maxY;
    float maxZ;
    uint childIndex;
    uint childCount;

StructuredBuffer<Node> Nodes;
StructuredBuffer<float3> Vertices;
StructuredBuffer<float3> Normals;

RWTexture3D<float> SDF;

float dot2(float3 v)
    return dot(v, v);

bool isLeaf(Node node)
    return node.childCount != 0;

bool intersectSphereBox(float3 lower, float3 upper, float3 p, float radius2)
    float3 q = clamp(p, lower, upper);
    return dot(p - q, p - q) <= radius2;

float udf2Triangle(float3 a, float3 b, float3 c, float3 p)
    float3 ba = b - a;
    float3 pa = p - a;
    float3 cb = c - b;
    float3 pb = p - b;
    float3 ac = a - c;
    float3 pc = p - c;
    float3 nor = cross(ba, ac);

    if (sign(dot(cross(ba, nor), pa)) +
       sign(dot(cross(cb, nor), pb)) +
       sign(dot(cross(ac, nor), pc)) < 2)
        return min(min(
            dot2(ba * clamp(dot(ba, pa) / dot2(ba), 0.0f, 1.0f) - pa),
            dot2(cb * clamp(dot(cb, pb) / dot2(cb), 0.0f, 1.0f) - pb)),
            dot2(ac * clamp(dot(ac, pc) / dot2(ac), 0.0f, 1.0f) - pc));

    return dot(nor, pa) * dot(nor, pa) / dot2(nor);

bool intersectSphereTriangle(float3 a, float3 b, float3 c, float3 o, float r2)
    return udf2Triangle(a, b, c, o) <= r2;

bool closestIntersectionWithTriangle(
    float3 o,
    float3 d,
    float maxT,
    float3 A,
    float3 B_A,
    float3 C_A,
    out float r_t)
    float3 s1 = cross(d, C_A);
    float div = dot(s1, B_A);
    float invDiv = 1 / div;

    float3 o_A = o - A;
    float alpha = dot(o_A, s1) * invDiv;

    float3 s2 = cross(o_A, B_A);
    float beta = dot(d, s2) * invDiv;
    const float t = dot(C_A, s2) * invDiv;
    if (t < 0 || t > maxT || alpha < 0 || beta < 0 || alpha + beta > 1)
        return false;

    r_t = t;
    return true;

float max4(float x, float y, float z, float w)
    return max(max(x, y), max(z, w));

float min4(float x, float y, float z, float w)
    return min(min(x, y), min(z, w));

bool intersectRayBox(
    float3 o, float3 invD, float t0, float t1, float3 lower, float3 upper)
    float3 n = invD * (lower - o);
    float3 f = invD * (upper - o);

    float3 minnf = min(n, f);
    float3 maxnf = max(n, f);

    t0 = max4(t0, minnf.x, minnf.y, minnf.z);
    t1 = min4(t1, maxnf.x, maxnf.y, maxnf.z);

    return t0 <= t1;

bool containsTriangle(float3 o, float radius2, uint nodeIndex)
    uint stack[BVH_STACK_SIZE];
    stack[0] = nodeIndex;
    int stackTop = 1;

    while (stackTop)
        uint ni = stack[--stackTop];
        Node node = Nodes[ni];

        if (!intersectSphereBox(
            float3(node.minX, node.minY, node.minZ),
            float3(node.maxX, node.maxY, node.maxY),
            o, radius2))

        if (isLeaf(node))
            for (uint i = 0, j = 3 * node.childIndex;
                i < node.childCount; ++i, j += 3)
                if (intersectSphereTriangle(
                    Vertices[j], Vertices[j + 1], Vertices[j + 2], o, radius2))
                    return true;
            return false;

        stack[stackTop++] = node.childIndex;
        stack[stackTop++] = node.childIndex + 1;

    return false;

float estimateUpperBound(float3 p, int precison)
    Node root = Nodes[0];
    float3 lower = float3(root.minX, root.minY, root.minZ);
    float3 upper = float3(root.maxX, root.maxY, root.maxZ);

    float L = 0;
    float R = distance(0.5 * (lower + upper), p) + distance(lower, upper);

    for (int i = 0; i < precison; ++i)
        float mid = 0.5 * (L + R);
        if (containsTriangle(p, mid * mid, 0))
            R = mid;
            L = mid;

    return R;

int traceTriangleIndex(float3 o, float3 d, float maxT)
    float3 invD = 1.0f / d;

    uint stack[BVH_STACK_SIZE];
    stack[0] = 0;
    int stackTop = 1;

    int finalIdx = -1;
    float finalT = maxT;

    while (stackTop)
        uint ni = stack[--stackTop];
        Node node = Nodes[ni];

        if (!intersectRayBox(
            o, invD, 0, finalT,
            float3(node.minX, node.minY, node.minZ),
            float3(node.maxX, node.maxY, node.maxZ)))

        if (isLeaf(node))
            for (uint i = 0, j = 3 * node.childIndex;
                i < node.childCount; ++i, j += 3)
                float3 a = Vertices[j];
                float3 b = Vertices[j + 1];
                float3 c = Vertices[j + 2];

                float newT;
                if (closestIntersectionWithTriangle(
                    o, d, finalT, a, b - a, c - a, newT))
                    finalT = newT;
                    finalIdx = i + node.childIndex;
            stack[stackTop++] = node.childIndex;
            stack[stackTop++] = node.childIndex + 1;

    return finalIdx;

struct UDF2Result
    int triIdx;
    float udf2;

int estimateSign(float3 o, float rn)
    int rndTriIdx = int(rn * (TriangleCount - 1));

    float3 a = Vertices[rndTriIdx * 3 + 0];
    float3 b = Vertices[rndTriIdx * 3 + 1];
    float3 c = Vertices[rndTriIdx * 3 + 2];

    float3 d = 1.0f / 3 * (a + b + c) - o;

    int triIdx = traceTriangleIndex(o, d, 1.0f / 0.0f);
    if (triIdx < 0)
        return 0;

    float3 na = Normals[triIdx * 3 + 0];
    float3 nb = Normals[triIdx * 3 + 1];
    float3 nc = Normals[triIdx * 3 + 2];

    return dot(d, na + nb + nc) < 0 ? 1 : -1;

UDF2Result udf2(float3 p, float u2, uint nodeIndex)
    uint stack[BVH_STACK_SIZE];
    stack[0] = nodeIndex;
    int stackTop = 1;

    int finalTriIdx = -1;

    while (stackTop)
        uint ni = stack[--stackTop];
        Node node = Nodes[ni];

        if (!intersectSphereBox(
            float3(node.minX, node.minY, node.minZ),
            float3(node.maxX, node.maxY, node.maxZ),
            p, u2))

        if (isLeaf(node))
            for (uint i = 0, j = 3 * node.childIndex;
                i < node.childCount; ++i, j += 3)
                float newUDF2 = udf2Triangle(
                    Vertices[j], Vertices[j + 1], Vertices[j + 2], p);

                if (newUDF2 < u2)
                    u2 = newUDF2;
                    finalTriIdx = int(i + node.childIndex);
            stack[stackTop++] = node.childIndex;
            stack[stackTop++] = node.childIndex + 1;

    UDF2Result result;
    result.triIdx = finalTriIdx;
    result.udf2 = u2;

    return result;

float sdf(float3 p, float upperBound)
    if (upperBound <= 0)
        upperBound = estimateUpperBound(p, 6);

    UDF2Result udf2Result = udf2(p, upperBound * upperBound, 0);

    float udfVal = sqrt(udf2Result.udf2);
    int triIdx = udf2Result.triIdx;

    int signEstimator = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < SignRayCount; ++i)
        signEstimator += estimateSign(
            p, lerp(0.0f, 1.0f, (i + 0.5f) / SignRayCount));
    if (signEstimator > 0)
        return udfVal;
    if (signEstimator < 0)
        return -udfVal;
    float3 a = Vertices[triIdx * 3 + 0];
    float3 b = Vertices[triIdx * 3 + 1];
    float3 c = Vertices[triIdx * 3 + 2];
    float3 na = Normals[triIdx * 3 + 0];
    float3 nb = Normals[triIdx * 3 + 1];
    float3 nc = Normals[triIdx * 3 + 2];

    int ja = dot(p - a, na) >= 0 ? 1 : -1;
    int jb = dot(p - b, nb) >= 0 ? 1 : -1;
    int jc = dot(p - c, nc) >= 0 ? 1 : -1;

    return ja + jb + jc > 0 ? udfVal : -udfVal;

[numthreads(1, GROUP_SIZE, GROUP_SIZE)]
void CSMain(int3 threadIdx : SV_DispatchThreadID)
    int width, height, depth;
    SDF.GetDimensions(width, height, depth);

    if (threadIdx.y >= height || threadIdx.z >= depth)

    float dx = 1.05f * SDFExtent.x / width;

    float zf = lerp(SDFLower.z, SDFUpper.z, (threadIdx.z + 0.5f) / depth);
    float yf = lerp(SDFLower.y, SDFUpper.y, (threadIdx.y + 0.5f) / height);

    float lastUDF = -100 * dx;
    for (int x = XBeg; x < XEnd; ++x)
        float xf = lerp(SDFLower.x, SDFUpper.x, (x + 0.5f) / width);
        float upperBound = lastUDF + dx;

        float newSDF = sdf(float3(xf, yf, zf), upperBound);
        lastUDF = abs(newSDF);

        SDF[int3(x, threadIdx.yz)] = newSDF;



    constexpr int GROUP_SIZE = 8;
    const int groupCountY = (res.y + GROUP_SIZE - 1) / GROUP_SIZE;
    const int groupCountZ = (res.z + GROUP_SIZE - 1) / GROUP_SIZE;

    constexpr int X_SLICE_SIZE = 32;
    for(int xBeg = 0; xBeg < res.x; xBeg += X_SLICE_SIZE)
            lower, static_cast<int>(triangleCount),
            upper, signRayCount_,
            upper - lower, xBeg,
            (std::min)(res.x, xBeg + X_SLICE_SIZE),
            0, 0, 0

        deviceContext.dispatch(1, groupCountY, groupCountZ);



struct VSOutput
    float4 position : SV_POSITION;
    float2 texCoord : TEXCOORD;

VSOutput VSMain(uint vertexID : SV_VertexID)
    VSOutput output;
    output.texCoord = float2((vertexID << 1) & 2, vertexID & 2);
    output.position = float4(output.texCoord * float2(2, -2) + float2(-1, 1), 0.5, 1);
    return output;

cbuffer PSParams
    float3 FrustumA; int   MaxTraceSteps;
    float3 FrustumB; float AbsThreshold;
    float3 FrustumC;
    float3 FrustumD;

    float3 Eye;

    float3 SDFLower;
    float3 SDFUpper;
    float3 SDFExtent;

Texture3D<float> SDF;
SamplerState     SDFSampler;

float max3(float x, float y, float z)
    return max(x, max(y, z));

float min3(float x, float y, float z)
    return min(x, min(y, z));

float2 intersectRayBox(float3 o, float3 d)
    float3 invD = 1 / d;
    float3 n = invD * (SDFLower - o);
    float3 f = invD * (SDFUpper - o);

    float3 minnf = min(n, f);
    float3 maxnf = max(n, f);

    float t0 = max3(minnf.x, minnf.y, minnf.z);
    float t1 = min3(maxnf.x, maxnf.y, maxnf.z);

    return float2(max(0.0f, t0), t1);

float4 PSMain(VSOutput input) : SV_TARGET
    float3 o = Eye;
    float3 d = normalize(lerp(
        lerp(FrustumA, FrustumB, input.texCoord.x),
        lerp(FrustumC, FrustumD, input.texCoord.x), input.texCoord.y));

    float2 incts = intersectRayBox(o, d);
    if(incts.x >= incts.y)
        return float4(0, 0, 0, 1);

    float t = incts.x + 0.01;
    int i = 0;
    for(; i < MaxTraceSteps; ++i)
        float3 p = o + t * d;
        float3 uvw = (p - SDFLower) / SDFExtent;
        if(any(saturate(uvw) != uvw))

        float sdf = SDF.SampleLevel(SDFSampler, uvw, 0);
        float udf = abs(sdf);
        if(udf <= AbsThreshold)

        t += udf;

    float color = float(i) / (MaxTraceSteps - 1);
    color = pow(color, 1 / 2.2);
    return float4(*float3(1,1,0), 1);




cbuffer VSTransform
    float4x4 WorldToClip;

struct VSInput
    float3 position : POSITION;
    float3 normal   : NORMAL;
    float3 color    : COLOR;

struct VSOutput
    float4 position      : SV_POSITION;
    float3 worldPosition : WORLD_POSITION;
    float3 worldNormal   : WORLD_NORMAL;
    float3 color         : COLOR;

VSOutput VSMain(VSInput input)
    VSOutput output;
    output.position      = mul(float4(input.position, 1), WorldToClip);
    output.worldPosition = input.position;
    output.worldNormal   = input.normal;
    output.color         = input.color;
    return output;

cbuffer PSParams
    float3 LightDirection; float ShadowRayOffset;
    float3 LightRadiance;  float ShadowK;
    float3 SDFLower;       int   MaxTraceSteps;
    float3 SDFUpper;       float AbsThreshold;
    float3 SDFExtent;

Texture3D<float> SDF;
SamplerState     SDFSampler;

float max3(float x, float y, float z)
    return max(x, max(y, z));

float min3(float x, float y, float z)
    return min(x, min(y, z));

float2 intersectRayBox(float3 o, float3 d)
    float3 invD = 1 / d;
    float3 n = invD * (SDFLower - o);
    float3 f = invD * (SDFUpper - o);

    float3 minnf = min(n, f);
    float3 maxnf = max(n, f);

    float t0 = max3(minnf.x, minnf.y, minnf.z);
    float t1 = min3(maxnf.x, maxnf.y, maxnf.z);

    return float2(max(0.0f, t0), t1);

// 参照大神的文章实现
float shadowFactor(float3 o, float3 d)
    float2 incts = intersectRayBox(o, d);
    if(incts.x >= incts.y)
        return 1;

    float result = 1;
    float ph = 1e20;

    float t = incts.x;
    for(int i = 0; i < MaxTraceSteps; ++i)
        float3 p = o + t * d;
        float3 uvw = (p - SDFLower) / SDFExtent;
        float sdf = SDF.SampleLevel(SDFSampler, uvw, 0);
        float udf = abs(sdf);

        float y = udf * udf / (2.0 * ph);
        float m = sqrt(udf * udf - y * y);
        result = min(result, ShadowK * m / max(0.0f, t - y));
        ph = udf;
        //result = min(result, ShadowK * udf / t);

        if(udf < AbsThreshold)
            return 0;

        t += udf;
        if(t >= incts.y)

    return result;

float4 PSMain(VSOutput input) : SV_TARGET
    float3 d = -LightDirection;
    float3 o = input.worldPosition + ShadowRayOffset * input.worldNormal;

    float shadow = shadowFactor(o, d) ;
    float cosFac = max(0.0f, dot(input.worldNormal, -LightDirection));

    float3 result = LightRadiance * cosFac * shadow;
    return float4(pow(result, 1 / 2.2f), 1);


具体的算法性能和效果其实和raytracingcount等有很大关系,但是比CSM等方法速度和效果好很多,前提是你生成SDF Texture的数据你能够处理好。

  • K=1

  • K=2

  • K=8

  • K=32

  • K=128

  • K=256



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