`Computer-Algorithm` 最短路Shortest-Path,Dijkstra,SPFA,Floyd

news/2024/9/19 17:20:30


  • 最短路Shortest-Path
    • Algorithm: Dijkstra


Algorithm: Dijkstra

Given a graph G G G, an total-order ≤ \leq on the set of the weight of all path ∣ A B ∣ |AB| AB (AB can be same) and a binary operator + + +, then the weight of a path (the sum of all edges on the path, denotes ∣ A B ∣ |AB| AB) must satisfying a property (a bit like triangular inequality, but not same):

  • If ∣ A B ∣ ≤ ∣ A C ∣ |AB| \leq |AC| ABAC, then ∣ A B ∣ ≤ ∣ A C ∣ + ∣ C B ∣ |AB| \leq |AC| + |CB| ABAC+CB ( A B C ABC ABC maybe the same)

Then, Dijkstra is used to calculate the least-element under the order ≤ \leq of the weight ∣ S X ∣ |SX| SX where S S S is a start-point, X X X is a any point.

There are some examples:

  • A graph (may contains loop (self-loop or non-self-loop)) with all edges ≥ 0 \geq 0 0, the weight of a path is the sum of all edges on it and given a start-point S S S, calculate the minimal-distance of ∣ S X ∣ |SX| SX (X is an arbitrary point)
    Defining the Dijkstra-Order ≤ ( a , b ) = a ≤ b \leq(a,b) = a \leq b (a,b)=ab, Dijkstra-Add + ( a , b ) = a + b +(a,b) = a + b +(a,b)=a+b
    Then, we can found this satisfies the Dijkstra-Triangular-Inequality

  • A graph (may contains loop (self-loop or non-self-loop)) with all edges ≤ 0 \leq 0 0, the weight of a path is the sum of all edges on it and given a start-point S S S, calculate the maximal-distance of ∣ S X ∣ |SX| SX (X is an arbitrary point)
    Defining the Dijkstra-Order ≤ ( a , b ) = a ≥ b \leq(a,b) = a \geq b (a,b)=ab (notice here), Dijkstra-Add + ( a , b ) = a + b +(a,b) = a + b +(a,b)=a+b
    Then, we can found this satisfies the Dijkstra-Triangular-Inequality

  • A graph (may contains loop (self-loop or non-self-loop)) with all edges be any real-number in [ 0 , 1 ] [0, 1] [0,1], the weight of a path is the product of all edges on it and given a start-point S S S, calculate the maximal-distance of ∣ S X ∣ |SX| SX (X is an arbitrary point)
    Defining the Dijkstra-Order ≤ ( a , b ) = a ≥ b \leq(a,b) = a \geq b (a,b)=ab (notice here), Dijkstra-Add + ( a , b ) = a ∗ b +(a,b) = a * b +(a,b)=ab
    Then, we can found this satisfies the Dijkstra-Triangular-Inequality




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