
news/2024/7/1 5:24:30


Internet may have been one of the most influential but disputable existences in the world, ever since its first appearance in the late 1960s. Internet has accelerated the world’s development with an incredible speed; nevertheless, it has brought this world many burdens. Nowadays, nobody can imagine what the world will be without this double-edged sword.


In my opinion, the most prominent contribution Internet has made to the world is, to offer every one of us such a convenient access to the vast outside information-based society. With appropriate use of Internet, the distances between people of different nations and countries are shortened. As long as you have a computer with network, you can easily get all kinds of information you need or the latest news from Internet, moreover, you can contact private friends or business companions all at your disposal via Internet. A coin has its two sides, and Internet is no exception to a coin. While bringing the world great convenience, Internet also gives out many negative effects, such as some porn websites, addiction in online games and so on. Especially the young people, with less self-restraint, if misled, will be likely to indulge themselves in the harmful parts of Internet. As a result, many of them lost their interests in study and eventually become, in a manner, uneducated people. Such examples are not rare in reports.

Given the above arguments, I honestly hope we can make good and full use of Internet, this marvelous fruitful creation of mankind. Although it’s a double-edged sword, with correct selection and decision, Internet has contributed a lot to the whole society and it will go on in this way.




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