trogan连接不上_解决连接不上网(Connection not connected).doc

news/2024/7/7 18:39:07

解决连接不上网(Connection not connected).doc

解决连接不上网(Connection not connected)

The computer doesn't connect to broadband and has a large collection of code problems

Some broadband connection error handling

Broadband connection error 691 (denied access due to invalid user name or password on the domain) / error 635 (unknown error) is handled as follows:

(1) username, password, fill in the wrong

(2) if the user's account password is filled correctly, proceed to the next step; recommend the reconstruction of dial-up software (if you do not understand how to install dial-up software, you can refer to the user re -):

If the reinstall dial software is normal, the reason is "dial-up software is lost"";

If you reinstall the dial-up software? After the fault persists, please call the customer service phone 10000 Telecom (10060 Netcom /10050 CTT) for trouble reporting.

Broadband connection error 691

Error 691, the real meaning: 1: error on the domain name (user name or password input error). 2: server does not reflect (computer room user port error, or account is not activated). 3: telephone or broadband expired due to arrears.

The reason for the error 691

1. Telecom limits the number of accounts you use, such as your account can be used by 4 people, and now 4 people in use, you dial is wrong 691

2., you did not disconnect after use, at least the server is still not open there, I think you still use, and similar circumstances, so the error 691

Recommendation: every time you switch off, right-click on the broadband connection and disconnect

Error 691 don't always wait for a few minutes or dial, try again, if this happens, call the customer service phone 10000 Telecom (10060 /10050, Netcom, Tietong) told the staff of your computer error 691 not on, then she asked "how much" your broadband number excuse me, tell her your account, then she sometimes ask who is your account, who is an answer, then after a few minutes she'll find someone to help you fix

One of the solutions to broadband connection error 691

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