
news/2024/6/30 10:48:38

by freeCodeCamp


2014年数字:我的人生在命令行中 (2014 in Numbers: My Life Behind the Command Line)

For 2014, I decided to simplify my life. Rather than pursuing a variety of human experiences, as I had previously, I wanted to focus my energy on a few key activities that gave me happiness: reading, running and coding.

对于2014年,我决定简化自己的生活。 与其像以前那样追求各种人类体验,不如将精力集中在一些让我感到幸福的关键活动上:阅读,跑步和编码。

Along the way, I spent a month capturing and transcribing 20,000 sound bytes for a movie line search engine that nobody ended up using. I also shut down an online course recommendation engine I’d built with my friends.

在整个过程中,我花了一个月的时间为一个电影行搜索引擎捕获并记录了20,000个声音字节,但最终没人使用。 我还关闭了与朋友建立的在线课程推荐引擎。

But good things happened, too. I built a lightning-fast academic citation engine. And more importantly, I helped kickstart a movement of busy people learning to code by building projects for nonprofits.

但是好事也发生了。 我建立了一个闪电般的学术引文引擎。 更重要的是,我通过为非营利组织构建项目来帮助忙碌的人们开始学习编码。

Could I have done this while working my old full-time corporate job?


Probably not. So I’m definitely grateful I saved every penny so that I could get out of there.

可能不是。 因此,我非常感谢我节省了每一分钱,以便我能离开那里。

But enough talk. Let’s move on to what you’re really interested in — my 2014 data:

但是足够多的谈话。 让我们继续您真正感兴趣的内容-我的2014年数据:

号码 (The Numbers)

  • Hackathons rocked: 7

  • Hours on laptop: 3,221 (91% of which were somewhat productive or highly productive)

  • Non-fiction books read: 17

  • Kilometers run: 1,935

  • Average hours slept: 7:35


黑客马拉松 (Hackathons)

Hackathons are a great way to:


  • meet ambitious coders

  • practice building and pitching products

  • and familiarize yourself with new tools.


I participated in 7 hackathons and even won a few.


笔记本电脑上的时间 (Hours on Laptop)

Free Code Camp doesn’t have an office. Wherever I open my laptop is work. I read books off an iPad and don’t really attempt to do anything productive on my smart phone, so the hours with my laptop open are a decent proxy for hours worked.

Free Code Camp没有办公室。 无论我在哪里打开笔记本电脑,都可以工作。 我从iPad上读书,但我并没有真正尝试在智能手机上做任何有成效的工作,因此,笔记本电脑打开的时间是正常工作时间的良好代表。

Not counting in-person meetings, it seems I work about 55 hours per week. I know this because I use a tool called RescueTime to track exactly which applications or websites I have in focus.

不算面对面的会议,我每周大概工作55个小时。 我知道这一点是因为我使用了一个称为RescueTime的工具来准确跟踪我关注的应用程序或网站。

For example, I know that I had either RubyMine (my IDE) or Terminal in focus for 1,288 hours in 2014, and that I spent about 290 hours doing entertainment-related activities like playing speed chess or watching YouTube.


My productivity seems to pick up around 10am after I’ve settled into my venue for the day and dealt with email and social media. I’m far less productive after 7pm.

当我安顿好一天并处理电子邮件和社交媒体后,我的生产率似乎在早上10点左右有所提高。 晚上7点以后,我的工作效率大大降低。

I also know that, as a developer, I google a lot.


养生 (Wellness)

I know from my Sleep Cycle data that on average I went to bed at exactly midnight and woke up at 7:40, which comes out to slightly more than 5 full 90-minute sleep cycles.


So I met my sleep resolution. But what about the other key aspects of wellness, diet and exercise? I don’t track calories because I haven’t yet found a good passive way to do this. But I do track my running.

所以我满足了我的睡眠决心。 但是,健康,饮食和运动的其他关键方面又如何呢? 我没有追踪卡路里,因为我还没有找到一种很好的被动方式来做到这一点。 但是我确实跟踪自己的跑步情况。

In August, I got distracted while crossing an intersection and landed on a curb the wrong way. I had to stop running for 6 weeks to let my foot heal. This, combined with travel, meant I only managed about 1935km for the entire year (the equivalent of 46 marathons). My goal was twice that.

在八月,我在穿越十字路口时分心,以错误的方式降落在路边。 我必须停止跑步6周才能让自己的脚恢复健康。 再加上旅行,这意味着我全年只跑了大约1935公里(相当于46场马拉松比赛)。 我的目标是原来的两倍。


As for reading, I decided to do tweet-length reviews for each of the nonfiction books I read this year:


#BookReview: The history of #InformationScience: #Shannon to #Lovelace to #Turing to #Dawkins http://t.co/FtWFXBXySl pic.twitter.com/F2Wwwqq1sg — Quincy Larson (@ossia) January 3, 2015

#BookReview :史#InformationScience : #Shannon到#Lovelace到#Turing到#Dawkins http://t.co/FtWFXBXySl pic.twitter.com/F2Wwwqq1sg -昆西拉尔森(@ossia) 2015年1月3日,

#BookReview: curiousity + social engineering skills + technical skills = profit, then prison http://t.co/JtDAgNEmCy pic.twitter.com/y78g7zcHEM — Quincy Larson (@ossia) January 3, 2015

#BookReview :好奇心+社交工程技巧+技能=利润,那么监狱http://t.co/JtDAgNEmCy pic.twitter.com/y78g7zcHEM -昆西拉尔森(@ossia) 2015年1月3日,

#BookReview How #Apple created the modern smart phone and Google democratized it http://t.co/9Qw2XGQazB pic.twitter.com/o1bihZEG04 — Quincy Larson (@ossia) January 3, 2015

#BookReview如何#Apple创造了现代智能手机和谷歌民主化它http://t.co/9Qw2XGQazB pic.twitter.com/o1bihZEG04 -昆西拉尔森(@ossia) 2015年1月3日,

#BookReview: This best book on #Google tells tales both embarrassing and triumphant http://t.co/EVkq2y5R1Y pic.twitter.com/p7e28GeEAY — Quincy Larson (@ossia) January 3, 2015

#BookReview :本最好的书的#google讲述的故事既尴尬和凯旋http://t.co/EVkq2y5R1Y pic.twitter.com/p7e28GeEAY -昆西拉尔森(@ossia) 2015年1月3日,

#BookReview: Practical, hard-working academics created the Internet with public funds. http://t.co/hiL9XxpVys pic.twitter.com/OG79HLTM1U — Quincy Larson (@ossia) January 3, 2015

#BookReview :勤奋勤奋的实践学者使用公共资金创建了Internet。 http://t.co/hiL9XxpVys pic.twitter.com/OG79HLTM1U -昆西拉尔森(@ossia) 2015年1月3日

#BookReview: You should only try to communicate one point, and do so in a fun, memorable way. http://t.co/PQrTLrxgcL pic.twitter.com/mKRleIxmCR — Quincy Larson (@ossia) January 3, 2015

#BookReview :您应该只尝试传达一个观点,并以一种有趣,令人难忘的方式进行交流。 http://t.co/PQrTLrxgcL pic.twitter.com/mKRleIxmCR -昆西拉尔森(@ossia) 2015年1月3日

#BookReview: Automation drives costs asymptotically toward zero, and thus dooms capitalism http://t.co/9golBC2xm6 pic.twitter.com/O9w0g90lhs — Quincy Larson (@ossia) January 3, 2015

#BookReview :自动化驱动向零渐进成本,从而注定资本主义http://t.co/9golBC2xm6 pic.twitter.com/O9w0g90lhs -昆西拉尔森(@ossia) 2015年1月3日,

#BookReview: What #HFT is, how it arose, why it’s a blight on finance, and how to mitigate it http://t.co/Ob9EnSIDWd pic.twitter.com/ipeud0bK2J — Quincy Larson (@ossia) January 3, 2015

#BookReview :什么#HFT ,它是如何产生的,为什么它是一个枯萎的融资,以及如何降低它http://t.co/Ob9EnSIDWd pic.twitter.com/ipeud0bK2J -昆西拉尔森(@ossia) 1月3日, 2015年

#BookReview: How to persuade by appealing instinct (the elephant) and reason (its rider) http://t.co/RQGvjHdHSe pic.twitter.com/Nu4Cnsda1V — Quincy Larson (@ossia) January 3, 2015

#BookReview :如何通过吸引本能(大象)和原因(骑师)说服http://t.co/RQGvjHdHSe pic.twitter.com/Nu4Cnsda1V -昆西拉尔森(@ossia) 2015年1月3日,

#BookReview: Covers #Gamification, #ContentStrategy and #EmotionalDesign in a fun, fast way http://t.co/g0UcuciLyR pic.twitter.com/z5elEZAwHT — Quincy Larson (@ossia) January 3, 2015

#BookReview :封面#Gamification , #ContentStrategy和#EmotionalDesign在一个有趣的,快速的方式http://t.co/g0UcuciLyR pic.twitter.com/z5elEZAwHT -昆西拉尔森(@ossia) 2015年1月3日,

#BookReview: A rundown of 19 proven marketing channels and a simple exercise for choosing 3. http://t.co/lzP5JJyvlF pic.twitter.com/p5iS6DLPEl — Quincy Larson (@ossia) January 3, 2015

#BookReview :19个成熟的营销渠道的破旧和简单锻炼选择3 http://t.co/lzP5JJyvlF pic.twitter.com/p5iS6DLPEl -昆西拉尔森(@ossia) 2015年1月3日,

#BookReview: How strange and messed up is humanity? Let’s analyze data from a dating website! http://t.co/oMOVk8jxHN pic.twitter.com/kt0wqVJYTp — Quincy Larson (@ossia) January 3, 2015

#BookReview :人类有多奇怪和混乱? 让我们分析约会网站上的数据! http://t.co/oMOVk8jxHN pic.twitter.com/kt0wqVJYTp -昆西拉尔森(@ossia) 2015年1月3日

#BookReview: This book has a chapter on turning your $500m app into a $1b app. APPlicable? http://t.co/HXyx4Wt3IY pic.twitter.com/1iefXwqcuj — Quincy Larson (@ossia) January 3, 2015

#BookReview :这本书介绍了将5亿美元的应用变成10亿美元的应用的一章。 适用吗? http://t.co/HXyx4Wt3IY pic.twitter.com/1iefXwqcuj -昆西拉尔森(@ossia) 2015年1月3日

#BookReview: Be bold and noncoformist. You too can find a #monopoly business like Google did. http://t.co/VbT2mPYYyA pic.twitter.com/jV7cCd6CH7 — Quincy Larson (@ossia) January 3, 2015

#BookReview :大胆且不拘一格。 您也可以找到像Google这样的#垄断企业。 http://t.co/VbT2mPYYyA pic.twitter.com/jV7cCd6CH7 -昆西拉尔森(@ossia) 2015年1月3日

#BookReview: Learn and apply #DataScience concepts with nothing more than a spreadsheet http://t.co/Ekq8cUrSuN pic.twitter.com/CLvtZjTlXp — Quincy Larson (@ossia) January 3, 2015

#BookReview :学习和应用#DataScience什么也没有概念比电子表格更http://t.co/Ekq8cUrSuN pic.twitter.com/CLvtZjTlXp -昆西拉尔森(@ossia) 2015年1月3日,

#BookReview Kids can effectively teach one another with minimal outside help. #PeerLearning. http://t.co/eA661pxr7d pic.twitter.com/zfIRAtCleO — Quincy Larson (@ossia) January 3, 2015

#BookReview孩子们可以在最少的外部帮助下有效地互相教。 #PeerLearning 。 http://t.co/eA661pxr7d pic.twitter.com/zfIRAtCleO -昆西拉尔森(@ossia) 2015年1月3日

#BookReview: Argues that doing sales is a big chunk of your life, and how to do it better http://t.co/T8688vD4aR pic.twitter.com/cqkqsm1UmB — Quincy Larson (@ossia) January 3, 2015

#BookReview :认为,做销售是你生活的很大一部分,以及如何做的更好http://t.co/T8688vD4aR pic.twitter.com/cqkqsm1UmB -昆西拉尔森(@ossia) 2015年1月3日,

2015年决议 (Resolution for 2015)

I’m pretty happy with my simple new lifestyle. Running is fun and free, and it gets me from meeting to meeting in the city. Great new books come out every week, and the quality of insights will only grow as authors apply more quantitative, Data Science-style approaches. Pair programming is an awesome way to get to know people. In fact, I rang in the new year while pair programming with another Code Camper in Korea.

我对自己简单的新生活方式感到非常满意。 跑步既有趣又自由,它使我从城市中的一次聚会到一次聚会。 每周都会出版许多新书,而洞察力的提高只会随着作者采用更多定量的,数据科学风格的方法而有所提高。 结对编程是结识新朋友的一种绝妙方式。 实际上,在新的一年里,我与韩国的另一个Code Camper进行了配对编程。

So my 2015 resolution is to try and maintain these raised standards for myself. That said, I’m going to do my darndest to reach to 4,000 kilometers this year.

因此,我2015年的解决方案是尝试为自己维护这些提高的标准。 就是说,今年我要尽最大努力达到4,000公里。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/2014-in-numbers-my-life-behind-the-command-line-5156d508cc32/



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