
news/2024/7/5 2:09:02

Back in the late 90’s — when I learned JavaScript — we were taught to write the “Hello World” function using a function statement. Like this…

上世纪90年代后期(当我学习JavaScript时),我们被教导使用函数语句编写“ Hello World”函数。 像这样…

function helloWorld() {return ‘Hello World!’;

These days it seems all the cool kids are writing the “Hello World” function like this…

如今,似乎所有很酷的孩子都在编写“ Hello World”功能,就像这样……

const helloWorld = () => 'Hello World!';

This is a function expression in ES2015 JavaScript and it’s sexy as hell. It’s beautiful to look at. It’s all one line. So terse. So lovely.

这是ES2015 JavaScript中的一个函数表达式 ,它像地狱般性感。 看起来很美。 全部都是一行。 太简洁了 好可爱。

It uses an arrow function which is one of the most popular features of ES2015.

它使用箭头功能,这是ES2015最受欢迎的功能之一 。

When I first saw this I was like:


So, after almost 20 years of JavaScript and after using ES2015 on a number of projects, here is how I would write the “Hello World” function today:

因此,经过将近20年JavaScript编写以及在多个项目上使用ES2015之后,下面是我今天编写“ Hello World”函数的方式:

function helloWorld() {return ‘Hello World!’;

Now that I have shown you the new way, I’m sure you can barely stand to look at the old school code above.


Three whole lines for just a simple little function! All those extra characters!

三行,仅需一个简单的小功能! 所有这些额外的字符!

I know what you’re thinking…


I love arrow functions, I really do. But when I need to declare a top level function in my code, I still use a good old-fashioned function statement.

我喜欢箭头功能,确实如此。 但是,当我需要在代码中声明一个顶级函数时,我仍然使用一个很好的老式函数语句。

This quote by “Uncle Bob” Martin explains why:


“…the ratio of time spent reading versus writing is well over 10 to 1. We are constantly reading old code as part of the effort to write new code.


“…the ratio of time spent reading versus writing is well over 10 to 1. We are constantly reading old code as part of the effort to write new code.


Because this ratio is so high, we want the reading of code to be easy even if it makes the writing harder.”


Because this ratio is so high, we want the reading of code to be easy even if it makes the writing harder.”


— Robert C. Martin


Function statements have two clear advantages over function expressions:


优势1:意图明确 (Advantage 1: Clarity of intent)

When scanning through thousands of lines of code a day, it’s useful to be able to figure out the programmer’s intent as quickly and easily as possible.


Take a look at this:


const maxNumberOfItemsInCart = ...;

You read all those characters and you still don’t know if the ellipsis represents a function or some other value. It could be:

您阅读了所有这些字符,但仍然不知道省略号是否代表函数或其他值。 它可能是:

const maxNumberOfItemsInCart = 100;

…or it could just as easily be:


const maxNumberOfItemsInCart = (statusPoints) => statusPoints * 10;

If you use a function statement, there is no such ambiguity.


Look at:


const maxNumberOfItemsInCart = 100;



function maxNumberOfItemsInCart(statusPoints) {return statusPoints * 10;

The intent is crystal clear right from the start of the line.


But maybe you’re using a code editor that has some color-coding clues. Maybe you’re a speed reader. Maybe you just don’t think it’s that a big a deal.

但是也许您正在使用具有一些颜色编码提示的代码编辑器。 也许您是速读读者。 也许您只是认为这没什么大不了的。

I hear you. The terseness is still looking pretty sexy.

我听到你了 简洁仍然看起来很性感。

In fact, if this were my only reason, I might have found a way to convince myself that it’s a worthwhile tradeoff.


But it’s not my only reason…


优势2:声明顺序==执行顺序 (Advantage 2: Order of declaration == order of execution)

Ideally, I want to declare my code more or less in the order that I expect it will get executed.


This is the showstopper for me: any value declared using the const keyword is inaccessible until execution reaches it.


Fair warning: I’m about to go all, “Professor JavaScript” on you. The only thing you need to understand in all the jargon below is that you cannot use a const until you’ve declared it.

合理的警告:我将全力以赴,“ Professor JavaScript”教授。 在下面的所有术语中, 唯一需要了解的是, 在声明它之前,不能使用const

The following code will throw an error:


sayHelloTo(‘Bill’);const sayHelloTo = (name) => `Hello ${name}`;

This is because, when the JavaScript engine reads the code, it will bind “sayHelloTo”, but it won’t initialize it.

这是因为,当JavaScript引擎读取代码时,它将绑定 “ sayHelloTo”,但不会初始化它。

All declarations in JavaScript are bound early, but they are initialized differently.


In other words, JavaScript binds the declaration of “sayHelloTo” — reads it first and creates a space in memory to hold its value — but it doesn’t set “sayHelloTo” to anything until it reaches it during execution.

换句话说,JavaScript 绑定了“ sayHelloTo”的声明-首先读取它,并在内存中创建一个空间来保存其值 -但它不会 “ sayHelloTo” 设置为任何东西,直到在执行期间到达它为止。

The time between “sayHelloTo” being bound and “sayHelloTo” being initialized is called the temporal dead zone (TDZ).

绑定“ sayHelloTo”和初始化“ sayHelloTo”之间的时间称为时间死区 (TDZ)。

If you’re using ES2015 directly in the browser (as opposed to transpiling down to ES5 with something like Babel), the following code actually throws an error too:


if(thing) { console.log(thing);
const thing = 'awesome thing';

The code above, written using “var” instead of “const”, would not throw an error because vars get initialized as undefined when they are bound, whereas consts are not initialized at all at bind time. But I digress…

上面的代码使用“ var”而不是“ const”编写, 不会引发错误,因为绑定时var被初始化为未定义 ,而在绑定时根本未初始化const。 但是我离题了……

Function statements do not suffer from this TDZ problem. The following is perfectly valid:

函数语句不受此TDZ问题的困扰。 以下内容完全正确:

sayHelloTo(‘Bill’);function sayHelloTo(name) {return `Hello ${name}`;

This is because function statements get initialized as soon as they are bound — before any code is executed.

这是因为函数语句一旦绑定就被初始化- 执行任何代码之前

So, no matter when you declare the function, it will be available to its lexical scope as soon as the code starts executing.


What I’ve just described above forces us to write code that looks upside down. We have to start with the lowest level function and work our way up.

我上面刚刚描述的内容迫使我们编写看起来颠倒的代码。 我们必须从最低级别的功能开始,然后逐步提高。

My brain doesn’t work that way. I want the context before the details.

我的大脑不能那样工作。 我想先了解一下背景信息。

Most code is written by humans. So it makes sense that most people’s order of understanding roughly follows most code’s order of execution.

大多数代码是由人类编写的。 因此,大多数人的理解顺序大致遵循大多数代码的执行顺序是有道理的。

In fact, wouldn’t it be nice if we could provide a little summary of our API at the top of our code? With function statements, we totally can.

实际上,如果我们可以在代码顶部提供一些有关API的摘要,那不是很好吗? 有了函数语句,我们完全可以做到。

Check out this (somewhat contrived) shopping cart module…


export {createCart,addItemToCart,removeItemFromCart,cartSubTotal,cartTotal,saveCart,clearCart,
}function createCart(customerId) {...}function isValidCustomer(customerId) {...}function addItemToCart(item, cart) {...}function isValidCart(cart) {...}function isValidItem(item) {...}...

With function expressions it would look something like…


...const _isValidCustomer = (customerId) => ...const _isValidCart = (cart) => ...const _isValidItem = (item) => ...const createCart = (customerId) => ...const addItemToCart = (item, cart) => ......
export {createCart,addItemToCart,removeItemFromCart,cartSubTotal,cartTotal,saveCart,clearCart,

Imagine this as a larger module with many small internal functions. Which would you prefer?

可以将其想象为一个具有许多内部小功能的大型模块。 你更喜欢哪个?

There are those who will argue that using something before you’ve declared it is unnatural, and can have unintended consequences. There are even extremely smart people who have said such things.

有些人会争辩说在您声明某物之前使用某物是不自然的,并且会产生意想不到的后果。 甚至有非常聪明的人都说过这样的话。

It is definitely an opinion — not a fact — that one way is better than the other.


But if you ask me: Code is communication. Good code tells a story.

但是,如果您问我: 代码就是沟通。 好的代码讲述了一个故事。

I’ll let the compilers and the transpilers, the minifiers and the uglyfiers, deal with optimizing code for the machines.


I want to optimize my code for human understanding.


但是那些箭头功能呢? (What about those arrow functions, though?)

Yes. Still sexy and still awesome.

是。 仍然性感又很棒。

I typically use arrow functions to pass a small function as a value to a higher order function. I use arrow functions with promises, with map, with filter, with reduce. They are the bees knees, my friends!

我通常使用箭头函数将小函数作为值传递给高阶函数。 我在promise,map,filter,reduce中使用箭头函数。 他们是蜜蜂的膝盖,我的朋友们!

Some examples:


const goodSingers = singers.filter((singer) => singer.name !== 'Justin Bieber');function tonyMontana() {return getTheMoney().then((money) => money.getThePower()).then((power) => power.getTheWomen());

I used a few other new JavaScript features in this article. If you want to learn more about the latest JavaScript standard (ES2015) and all the cool features it has to offer, you should get my quick start guide for free.

我在本文中使用了其他一些新JavaScript功能。 如果您想更多地了解最新JavaScript标准(ES2015)及其所提供的所有炫酷功能, 则应免费获得我的快速入门指南 。

My goal is always to help as many developers as possible, if you found this article useful, please hit the ❤ (recommend) button so that others will see it. Thanks!

我的目标始终是为尽可能多的开发人员提供帮助,如果您发现本文有用,请点击❤(推荐)按钮,以便其他人看到。 谢谢!

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/constant-confusion-why-i-still-use-javascript-function-statements-984ece0b72fd/




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