
news/2024/7/7 18:55:11


by Stephen Mayeux

斯蒂芬·马约(Stephen Mayeux)

像韩国学生学习英语一样学习编码 (Learn to code like a Korean student learns English)

If this is the first you’ve heard of me, then there’s only one thing you need to know: I am an ESL Teacher Turned Full Stack Developer.


My career teaching English as a Second Language has spanned nearly a decade, so I have a refined understanding of how adults learn a second languages.


I’ve watched thousands of students from different cultural, academic, and professional backgrounds acquire the difficult, rather quirky language that is English.


After years and years of dedication and commitment to learning, many of my students have gone on to become proficient — if not fluent — in English. I have also seen a lot of intelligent, hard-working people plateau at an intermediate level of English, then subsequently grow tired and frustrated by their lack of progress.

经过多年的奉献精神和对学习的承诺,我的许多学生都变得精通英语(即使不是流利的英语)。 我还看到很多聪明,勤奋的人处于中级英语水平,然后由于他们缺乏进步而变得疲倦和沮丧。

The successful language learners have several traits in common. My observations of them mastering English have helped me learn web development much quicker than I would have otherwise.

成功的语言学习者有几个共同点。 我对他们掌握英语的观察帮助我比其他人更快地学习了Web开发。

Let’s talk about some of the theoretical frameworks that attempt to explain second language acquisition, and lessons I’ve learned from my students.


如果这很容易,那你就做错了 (If It’s Easy, You Ain’t Doing it Right)

Stephen Krashen, linguist and professor emeritus at the University of Southern California, is arguably the godfather of modern second language acquisition.

南加州大学的语言学家,名誉教授史蒂芬·克拉森(Stephen Krashen)可以说是现代第二语言习得的教父。

In the 1970s and 80s, he developed a set of 5 hypotheses that have informed modern communicative teaching methods.


One of these is known as the input hypothesis, which states:

其中一种称为输入假设 ,它指出:

Learners progress in their knowledge of the language when they comprehend language input that is slightly more advanced than their current level.

The exact thing could also be said for learning how to code!


Think back to the first month when you just started learning how to code. You probably started off with some tutorials on Codecademy, and followed along with the instructional prompts, only to feel “stuck” and unable to produce a website from scratch without copying and pasting.

回想刚开始学习编码的第一个月。 您可能首先从Codecademy上的一些教程开始,然后再加上指导性提示,只是感到“卡住了”,并且无法在没有复制和粘贴的情况下从头创建网站。

I had probably gone through their JavaScript tutorials three times, and I still felt like I wasn’t learning anything. Why?

我可能已经看过三遍他们JavaScript教程,但我仍然觉得自己没有学到任何东西。 为什么?

Because the hand-holding tutorials are much too easy after the first time around! They are great to get you familiar with the basic syntax of the language, but they won’t help you solve algorithms on your own.

因为初学之后的手持教程太简单了! 它们非常有助于您熟悉该语言的基本语法,但是它们无法帮助您自行解决算法。

Repeating these tutorials is unlikely to take you beyond your current level of understanding. I didn’t really start learning JavaScript until I ditched those tutorials and dived right into Free Code Camp’s basic algorithmic challenges.

重复这些教程可能不会使您超出当前的理解水平。 直到我放弃这些教程并深入研究Free Code Camp的基本算法挑战之后,我才真正开始学习JavaScript。

It was tough, and each subsequent challenge was even more difficult than the last! I was constantly in a state of being challenged, just slightly above my current ability. And it worked!

这很艰难,随后的每个挑战都比上一次更加困难! 我一直处于挑战状态,仅略高于我目前的能力。 而且有效!

My point is this: your coding journey is never going to feel “easy” or “simple”, and if it is, you have to stop what you’re doing and try more difficult challenges and projects. Get comfortable with feeling stuck and stumped for the long run, because that isn’t an obstacle. It’s a sign that you are about to learn more.

我的意思是:您的编码之旅永远不会感到“轻松”或“简单”,如果是这样,则您必须停止正在做的事情,并尝试更困难的挑战和项目。 从长远来看,要感到被卡住和被绊倒的感觉要自在,因为这不是障碍。 这表明您将要学习更多。

不要尽早追求完美 (Don’t Aim for Perfection Early On)

Perfectionists do not make great language learners. They tend to do well on grammar and vocabulary tests and can recite all of the irregular past participles by heart. I think the perfectionist students actually know more about English grammar than native speakers do! Not that it really matters though. Why?

完美主义者不能造就出色的语言学习者。 他们倾向于在语法和词汇测试上做得很好,并且可以背诵所有不规则的过去分词。 我认为,完美主义者的学生比母语人士实际上对英语语法了解更多! 但这并不重要。 为什么?

Because their spoken English kind of sucks.


I have met a lot of these students, and have been successful in helping many of them ditch their less-than-optimal study habits. But so many have this unrealistic ideal of what a “fluent” speaker of English should be able to do, including never making any grammatical mistakes whatsoever!

我遇到了很多这样的学生,并且成功地帮助了许多学生摆脱了他们并非最佳的学习习惯。 但是,许多人对这种“不熟练”的英语说者应该做的事情抱有这种不切实际的理想,包括永远不要犯任何语法错误!

They excel when it comes to reading and writing, but their speaking skills are seriously hindered because they take forever wracking their brains thinking of the “best” way to say something.


Don’t do this when you learn to code — especially when you’re just starting out. You don’t have to remember all of the semantic HTML5 tags or all of the Bootstrap classes to make a website. Why would you have to do that when you could just find whatever you need in the API docs, Google, or Stack Overflow?

当您学习编码时,请不要执行此操作,尤其是在刚入门时。 您无需记住所有语义HTML5标记或所有Bootstrap类即可创建网站。 当您只需要在API文档,Google或Stack Overflow中找到所需的内容时,为什么还要这样做?

In my very early days of learning HTML and CSS, I actually made flashcards to help me remember this stuff, and I can’t believe what a waste of time it was. I probably spent two hours creating flashcards every night, and I wish I had skipped all of that and practiced coding instead!

在学习HTML和CSS的早期,我实际上制作了抽认卡来帮助我记住这些东西,而且我不敢相信这会浪费时间。 我可能每天晚上花两个小时来创建抽认卡,但愿我跳过了所有这些,而是​​练习编码!

Just because you have all this knowledge doesn’t mean you can actually use it appropriately to solve a particular problem.


Don’t be perfectionist in learning anything, especially coding! Learn enough to be dangerous, then start building something. You’ll pick up the particulars on an as-needed basis.

不要学习任何东西,特别是编码方面的完美主义者! 学会足够的危险,然后开始建造一些东西。 您将根据需要选择详细信息。

照顾好自己 (Take Care of Yourself)

In my last Medium article, I wrote about how South Korea is viable option for people who want a lot of free time to learn coding while making a decent living teaching English.

在我的上一篇中型文章中 ,我写到了韩国如何成为那些希望有大量空闲时间学习编码同时又过上体面的英语教学生活的人们的可行选择。

The bulk of my students are young people taking a gap year from university. They live with their parents and don’t need to get part-time jobs to support themselves.

我的大部分学生是年轻人,大学毕业后缺课了一年。 他们与父母住在一起,不需要打零工来养活自己。

Sounds like heaven!


The language institute where I teach is open from 7am — 10pm, and a lot of these young Koreans spend 10 hours or more each day at the center.


In addition to their regular classes at the school, they join extra study groups and hole themselves up for hours in the computer lab until closing time.


And even though they are taking a break from work and university, they are often sleep deprived because they are preparing for high-stakes tests that might determine the outcome of their professional lives.


I really admire the Korean work ethic, which was responsible for the country’s rapid development following the Korean War. But the human body can only function optimally with x amountOfSleep and y hoursOfWorkDone.

我真的很钦佩朝鲜的职业道德,这是朝鲜战争后该国Swift发展的原因。 但是,人体只能以x amountOfSleep和y hoursOfWorkDone发挥最佳功能。

When it comes to learning a new skill, the Law of Diminishing Returns is at play. Students who regularly take breaks, meet friends, get enough sleep, and do exercise seem to do just as well — if not better — than students who use every second of their free time studying.

在学习新技能时,收益递减法则在起作用。 经常休息,与朋友见面,睡眠充足和锻炼的学生,与不利用每一分空闲时间学习的学生一样,即使做得更好。

A lot of self-taught coders should heed this advice as well. For many of you, you have to balance your coding schedules on top of your busy work and family responsibilities.

许多自学成才的编码人员也应注意此建议。 对于你们中的许多人来说,您必须在忙碌的工作和家庭责任的基础上平衡编码时间表。

And it’s true that you have to hustle hard and work your butt off if you really want to transition into web development. But if you find yourself yawning a lot and unable to focus, take a walk outside and get a breath of fresh air. Spend a couple of hours with your friends or family on the weekend and recharge your batteries.

的确,如果您真的想过渡到Web开发,则必须努力工作并努力。 但是,如果您发现自己经常打哈欠并且无法集中注意力,那就到户外散步,呼吸一下新鲜空气。 周末与您的朋友或家人共度几个小时,为电池充电。

Just remember to treat yourself from time to time, or risk getting scorched from the burn out.


你的建议 (Your Advice)

Does any of this advice resonate with you? Do you want to add something to this list?

这些建议是否会引起您的共鸣? 您要在此列表中添加一些内容吗?

Share your questions and opinions in the comments below, and don’t forget to follow me if you haven’t already done so. Treat yourself.

在下面的评论中分享您的问题和意见,如果您尚未这样做,请不要忘记关注我。 请你自便。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/what-i-learned-as-an-esl-teacher-will-help-you-learn-how-to-code-32a348afdd00/





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