
news/2024/7/5 3:43:00


by Jen Weber

詹·韦伯(Jen Weber)

如何增加(和保存)您最喜欢的技术聚会 (How to Grow (and Save) Your Favorite Tech Meetup)

Hey meetup facilitators, friends, and future leaders! Do you want more people to show up to your tech event? Or at least the same number of people? Here are some ideas to try! These tips are based on observations of Boston’s meetup culture and my experience running a group focused on Ember.js (a front-end framework).

嗨,聚会促进者,朋友和未来的领导者! 您想让更多人参加您的技术活动吗? 或至少人数相同? 这里有一些想法可以尝试! 这些技巧是基于对波士顿聚会文化的观察和我管理一个专注于Ember.js (前端框架)的团队的经验得出的 。

1.不要仅仅要求新的演讲者,而是要创建新的演讲者 (1. Don’t just ask for new speakers — create them)

While Boston Ember is pretty steady, I’ve seen other meetups struggle to find speakers. As a facilitator, it’s my responsibility to curate a variety of talks, both by topic and experience level. To achieve that, I wanted to help bring in new speakers. I needed an enormous amount of cajoling to give my first tech talk, and I can’t cajole attendees at scale, so what can be done?

波士顿·恩伯(Boston Ember)相当稳定的时候,我已经看到其他聚会很难找到发言人。 作为主持人,我有责任按主题和经验水平组织各种讲座。 为此,我想帮助吸引新的演讲者。 我需要大量的哄骗来进行我的第一次技术演讲,而且我无法大规模哄骗与会者,那么该怎么办?

First, make an event of it! Find an experienced speaker who will answer public speaking questions. You could also assemble a panel. Check out the results of our attempt here, as presented by Stephen Vance. The audience was 100% captivated.

首先,发布一个事件! 寻找一位经验丰富的演讲者,他将回答公开演讲的问题。 您也可以组装面板。 在这里查看我们的尝试结果 ,如斯蒂芬·万斯 ( Stephen Vance)所介绍。 观众被100%着迷了。

He asked the attendees which category of information they were most interested in:


  • choosing topics

  • preparation

  • delivery

  • follow on (handling audience questions)

  • remote presenting.


Then, based on audience vote for the focus, Stephen took Q&A for the most popular categories.


Second, follow up. Set aside a slot for a new speaker. Advertise it that way. Many potential speakers may believe that they need to be “experts” or that someone else is more worthy. Help them overcome imposter syndrome by extending an invitation.

第二,跟进。 预留一个用于新扬声器的插槽。 那样做广告。 许多潜在的演讲者可能认为他们需要成为“专家”,或者其他人更有价值。 通过发出邀请来帮助他们克服冒名顶替综合症。

2.避免冗长的产品推介会 (2. Avoid lengthy product pitch talks)

Product pitches kill tech meetups. If you don’t take steps to cultivate new speakers, your only volunteers may be people who have something to sell. Your devs will get bored of sales pitches, and they’ll stop showing up.

产品宣传会扼杀技术聚会。 如果您不采取任何措施来培养新的演讲者,那么您唯一的志愿者可能就是有卖东西的人。 您的开发人员将无聊的销售机会,他们将停止出现。

Here’s the litmus test for whether it’s a product pitch. Ask the potential presenter,”What will the audience take away from the talk? What will you teach them?” If it’s teaching about a business use case, the company, the industry and so on, offer them a spot for a lightning talk, ten minutes or less.

这是关于是否是产品推介的试金石。 问潜在的主持人,“听众将从演讲中收获什么? 您将教他们什么?” 如果要讲授业务用例,则公司,行业等都可以在十分钟或更短的时间内为他们提供闪电演讲的场所。

I was a salesperson before I became a developer, and I can empathize with the product pitch speakers. But be firm. You owe it to your attendees. If the speaker shares more than a product pitch, you can invite them to speak again for a longer time slot.

在成为开发人员之前,我曾是一名销售人员,因此我对产品扬声器感兴趣。 但是要坚定。 您欠与会者。 如果演讲者分享的不仅仅是产品音高,您可以邀请他们再次讲话更长的时间。

3.最后抽奖 (3. Run a raffle at the end)

Every month, I go to She Geeks Out, an amazing event run by some women who are real pros at community engagement. Every month, they do a raffle at the end of the evening, and the energy it brings to the room is incredible. People stay until the end, they cheer each other on, and no speaker is ever confronted with “So, I guess that’s it for questions. Bye, have a good night.” Instead, it’s “Who’s ready to win tonight!?!? It’s raffle time.”

每个月,我都会参加“ She Geeks Out” ,这是一个令人惊叹的活动,由一些真正从事社区参与活动的女性组织。 每个月,他们都会在晚上结束时进行抽奖,并且带给房间的能量是难以置信的。 人们一直待到最后,彼此欢呼雀跃,没有人面对过“所以,我想这就是问题所在。 再见,晚安。” 相反,它是“谁准备今晚赢得比赛!?!? 现在是抽奖时间。”

At the end of the day, our animal brains love the chance to win a prize.


So, I tried this out for one of our special events, using some Ember swag. Because I’m a nerd, I printed out some Ember API methods and wrote a script to select them at random. Even the people who were already wearing some swag were intent on winning.

因此,我尝试了一些Ember赃物,以此作为我们的特别活动之一。 因为我是一个书呆子,所以我打印了一些Ember API方法并编写了一个脚本以随机选择它们 。 即使是已经戴着赃物的人也打算赢球。

You don’t have to spend a ton of money either to add some magic to your event. Think of it as the cost of pizza for just one more attendee. Buy $40 of clearance stuff from ThinkGeek and you’re good to go for the year.

您也不必花费大量资金即可为您的活动增添魔力。 可以将其视为仅多一位参加者的披萨费用。 从ThinkGeek购买40美元的清仓商品 ,您全年都不错。

4.与其他聚会相处 (4. Be in cahoots with other meetups)

In 2017, the Boston tech meetup scene suffered some serious blows. Many popular groups went poof, and seemingly the number of venues willing to host tanked. To form a support network, some local meetup organizers created Boston JavaScript. It is a Slack organization where local groups could share and grow together. Then, they invited every group and their organizers to join.

在2017年,波士顿技术聚会现场遭受了严重打击。 许多受欢迎的团体对此不以为然,似乎愿意接待坦克的场地数量也很多。 为了形成支持网络,一些当地的聚会组织者创建了Boston JavaScript。 这是一个Slack组织 ,地方团体可以共享和共同成长。 然后,他们邀请了每个小组及其组织者参加。

It’s important for developers to consider tools outside their wheelhouse. We all have a lot to learn from each other! The shared space enables us to share event announcements and collaborate.

对于开发人员来说,在操舵室之外考虑工具很重要。 我们都有很多可以互相学习的地方! 共享空间使我们可以共享事件公告并进行协作。

I also reached out to some people in my Ember network to ask for advice. I spoke with other local members, past leaders, and facilitators in other states. They shared ideas I had never seen in action before.

我还与Ember网络中的一些人联系,以寻求建议。 我与其他州的其他本地成员,前任领导人和协调员进行了交谈。 他们分享了我从未见过的想法。

5.每月采取行动以建立可持续性 (5. Every month, take action to build sustainability)

So what killed the Boston meetups in 2017? My guess is that the organizers needed a break, which is natural, but no one else was ready to take over.

那么,是什么杀死了2017年的波士顿聚会? 我的猜测是组织者需要休息,这很自然,但是没有其他人愿意接手。

It’s important to take steps today to prepare for when you and your partners will inevitably be moving on to something else. Don’t wait until that time hits.

重要的是, 今天必须采取措施,为您和您的伴侣不可避免地要转移到其他地方做准备。 不要等到那个时候到。

I’m still exploring this myself, but here’s what I’ve gathered from other meetup leaders:


  • Ask for help, even when you don’t need it. Your helpers will become the future leaders.

    寻求帮助,即使您不需要它。 您的助手将成为未来的领导者。
  • Form a coalition. I recently heard of a meetup run by 6 people. It is very stable.

    组建联盟。 我最近听说有6个人参加的聚会。 非常稳定。
  • Suggest many ways to help. Social media, livestream, and event advertising are all good ways for people to pitch in. Volunteers don’t need to be comfortable in front of a crowd.

    提出许多帮助方法。 社交媒体,直播和事件广告都是人们参与的好方法。志愿者无需在人群面前感到自在。
  • Let go of some control. Share responsibilities with your co-facilitators. Accept that they will do things differently than you would.

    放开一些控制权。 与您的共同推动者分担责任。 接受他们会做的事情与您不同。
  • Rotate the emcee, at least for certain sections of the event. People besides you need practice before they’d ever agree to be a copilot or take over facilitation.

    至少在事件的某些部分,旋转司仪。 除了您之外的人们在同意成为副驾驶或接管便利之前需要进行练习。
  • Get the attendees involved as participants. Ask them to be speakers and ask them for feedback. Have a session where people can propose topics they’re interested in hearing about. If people show up and leave without contributing, you may become the only one who cares enough to put in the work. Make it everyone’s baby.

    让参加者作为参与者参加 。 让他们成为演讲者,并要求他们提供反馈。 举行会议,让人们可以提出他们感兴趣的话题。 如果人们露面而没有贡献就离开了,您可能会成为唯一一个非常关心工作的人。 成为每个人的宝贝

最后... (In closing…)

When I first stepped up to help run a meetup, I was terribly worried. I was afraid that no one would show up, that I wouldn’t be able to find venues/sponsors, that people would stop coming… that I wasn’t good enough. I got on the phone with the facilitator of the NYC Ember.js, Luke Melia, and I asked him a thousand anxiety-fueled questions.

当我第一次加紧帮助举行聚会时,我非常担心。 我担心没人会出现,我无法找到场馆/赞助商,人们会停止前来……我还不够出色。 我和纽约市Ember.js的主持人 卢克·梅里亚通电话 ,然后问了他一千个焦虑症。

He said something like this:


Before I answer any of these questions, I want to make one point. You are going to have so much fun! Running a meetup is an incredibly valuable experience. You will learn so much.

在回答以上任何一个问题之前,我想提出一点。 您将有很多乐趣! 举行聚会是非常宝贵的经验。 你会学到很多

He was right.


Jen Weber builds apps for science at BioBright. She’s a contributor to Ember.js, a front end framework that comes with “batteries included” for better developer experience and productivity. She works to transform tech into an industry that welcomes new people.

詹恩·韦伯(Jen Weber)在BioBright构建科学应用程序。 她是Ember.js的贡献者, Ember.js是一个前端框架,其中包含“电池”,以提供更好的开发人员体验和提高生产力。 她致力于将技术转变为一个欢迎新人的行业。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/five-tips-for-growing-your-tech-meetup-4c39c0ab3f78/




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