
news/2024/7/3 0:16:19

/*****************************************************************************************/#include #include #include #include /输入/输出文件流类using namespace std;const int maxr=100;/最多的读者const int maxb=100;/最多的图书const int maxbor=5;/每位读者最多借五本书/读者类,实现对读者的信息的描述class reader { private: int tag; /删除标记 1:已删 0:未删 int no; /读者编号 char name[10]; /读者姓名 int borbook[maxbor];/所借图书 public: reader() {} char *getname() {return name;} /获取姓名 int gettag() {return tag;} /获取删除标记 int getno() {return no;} /获取读者编号 void setname(char na[]) /设置姓名 { strcpy(name,na); } void delbook(){ tag=1; }/设置删除标记 1:已删 0:未删 void addreader(int n,char *na)/增加读者 { tag=0; no=n; strcpy(name,na); for(int i=0;i> choice; switch (choice) { case ‘1‘: cout > readerid; cout > rname; addreader (readerid,rname); break; case ‘2‘: cout > readerid; r=query(readerid); if (r==null) { cout rname; r->setname(rname); break; case ‘3‘: cout > readerid; r=query(readerid); if (r==null) { cout delbook(); break; case ‘4‘: cout > readerid; r=query(readerid); if (r==null) { cout disp(); break; case ‘5‘: disp(); break; case ‘6‘: clear(); break; default:cout choice; switch (choice) { case ‘1‘: cout bookid; cout bname; addbook(bookid,bname); break; case ‘2‘: cout bookid; b=query(bookid); if (b==null) { cout bname; b->setname(bname); break; case ‘3‘: cout bookid; b=query(bookid); if (b==null) { cout delbook(); break; case ‘4‘: cout bookid; b=query(bookid); if (b==null) { cout disp(); break; case ‘5‘: disp(); break; case ‘6‘: clear(); break; default:cout choice; switch (choice) { case ‘1‘: cout >readerid; cout >bookid; r=readerdb。

query(readerid);/按编号查找 if (null==r) { cout borrowbook()==0) { cout borrowbook(b->getno()); break; case ‘2‘: cout>readerid; cout >bookid; r=readerdb。

query(readerid); if (r==null) { cout retbook(b->getno()); break; case ‘3‘: okdata(); break; case ‘4‘: aderdata(); break; default:cout<




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