
news/2024/7/5 1:35:06


by Robert Cooper

罗伯特·库珀(Robert Cooper)

登陆我的第一个全栈Web开发人员职位 (Landing My First Full Stack Web Developer Job)

This is the story of the steps I took to get my first job as a full stack web developer. I think it’s valuable to share these developer journeys to help others learn about how they can also land their first job as a web developer. I myself drew inspiration from listening to stories of how others got their developer positions. It helped give me ideas on what I should do myself.

这是我为获得全职Web开发人员的第一份工作而采取的步骤的故事。 我认为分享这些开发人员的经历很有价值,以帮助其他人了解他们如何也可以找到自己的第一个Web开发人员工作。 我本人从听别人如何获得开发人员职位的故事中汲取了灵感。 它帮助我提出了自己应该做什么的想法。

为什么要进行Web开发? (Why Web Development?)

After high school, I decided to study engineering at university because I was good at math and science. I took a couple programming courses in high school. I liked them and briefly considered working towards a computer science degree in university. But I convinced myself to do otherwise since I didn’t think I had done enough work with computers to be able to succeed in such a program.

高中毕业后,我决定在大学学习工程,因为我擅长数学和科学。 我在高中时参加了一些编程课程。 我喜欢他们,并简要考虑过要攻读大学的计算机科学学位。 但是我说服自己做其他事情,因为我认为我没有在计算机上做过足够的工作来成功完成这样的程序。

I didn’t particularly enjoy my university education experience (as I wrote about here). But I did go through the entire program and ended up getting my engineering degree.

我不是特别喜欢我的大学教育经历(正如我在此处所写)。 但是我确实完成了整个程序,最终获得了我的工程学学位。

Before my last year of university studies, I was finishing a terribly boring co-op placement. I started looking for alternatives to a post-graduation engineering career. I decided to try and pick up web development since I enjoyed the programming courses I took in university. I was very much interested in the “fun” and “non-traditional” workplaces that are associated with top performing tech companies (e.g. Google, Twitter, Shopify, etc).

在上一年大学学习之前,我正在完成一个非常无聊的合作社实习。 我开始寻找毕业后工程事业的替代方案。 因为喜欢上大学的编程课程,所以我决定尝试进行Web开发。 我对与顶尖科技公司(例如Google,Twitter,Shopify等)相关的“有趣”和“非传统”工作场所非常感兴趣。

焦点转移 (Shift In Focus)

The last 2 years of my engineering degree, I did things that would help position me for a web development role after graduation. I actually considered not completing my final year of studies, but decided to finish since the finish line was in sight. Here is the timeline of the key actions I took:

在获得工程学学位的最后两年中,我从事的工作有助于毕业后成为网络开发职位。 我实际上考虑过不完成我的最后一年的学习,但是由于可以看到终点,所以决定结束。 这是我采取的主要行动的时间表:

January 2016


I started taking some online web development courses, of which there are no shortage of resources on the internet. I built a website for myself and then decided that I wanted to build websites for others so I could get more practice.

我开始参加一些在线Web开发课程 ,其中互联网上不乏资源。 我为自己建立了一个网站,然后决定要为其他人建立网站,以便我可以进行更多练习。

April 2016


I ended up participating in a government program that gave funding to students to start their own business. I started my own web development business during a summer and had 5 clients total. I learned a lot about web development as well as what it takes to run a small business. I was building websites using WordPress and Shopify.

我最终参加了一项政府计划,该计划为学生提供了创业的资金。 我在一个夏天开始了自己的Web开发业务 ,共有5个客户。 我学到了很多有关Web开发的知识,以及经营一家小型企业所需的知识。 我正在使用WordPressShopify构建网站。

September 2016


During my last year at university, I had a lot of stuff going on. I shut down my web development business and opted to work as a developer for a business consulting startup. I was responsible for the development of client websites. I was using the same platform to build websites as I had used for my own business (WordPress and Shopify).

在大学的最后一年中,我经历了很多事情。 我关闭了Web开发业务,并选择作为一家商业咨询初创公司的开发人员 。 我负责客户网站的开发。 我使用与自己的业务( WordPressShopify )相同的平台来构建网站。

I applied to participate in the organizing committee of a large student-run technology conference. I ended up with the position of director of technology. I was responsible for building out the conference’s website along with another student developer. The website was built with basic HTML, CSS, and JavaScript

我申请参加了一次由学生主导的大型技术会议的组委会。 我最终担任技术总监一职 。 我负责与另一个学生开发人员一起建立会议的网站。 该网站使用基本的HTMLCSSJavaScript构建

I also joined my university’s engineering society IT team. I got to work on a project that used a lot more JavaScript than anything else I had previously worked with. The team dynamic wasn’t very good. But I learned a lot about working with others through the process. I carry those lessons learned with me when working on any sort of collaborative project.

我还加入了我大学的工程学会IT团队。 我必须从事一个项目,该项目使用的JavaScript比我以前使用的任何其他工具都要多。 团队动态不是很好。 但是我从中学到了很多与他人合作的知识。 在进行任何形式的协作项目时,我都会从中学到的经验教训。

Furthermore, I volunteered as a mentor for multiple workshops run by two local organizations. These organizations provided workshops to teach members of the community how to learn to code. I volunteered at around half a dozen workshops in the span of a year starting in September. Mentoring not only gave me the opportunity to help others. It also gave me confidence in the web development knowledge I had along as well as further reinforcing of web development concepts.

此外,我自愿作为导师参加了两个当地组织举办的多次研讨会。 这些组织提供了讲习班,以教会社区成员如何学习编码。 从九月开始的一年中,我自愿参加了大约六个研讨会。 指导不仅给了我帮助别人的机会。 这也使我对自己拥有的Web开发知识以及对Web开发概念的进一步增强充满信心。

December 2016


Though not necessarily developer related, I became the chair of a young professional networking organization. This helped me make a lot of connections in the community and also made me more comfortable speaking to new people. Some of the skills I picked up from this experience have helped me during job interviews.

尽管不一定与开发人员相关,但我还是一家年轻的专业网络组织主席 。 这帮助我在社区中建立了很多联系,也使我与新人交谈变得更加舒适。 我从这次经历中学到的一些技能在求职面试中对我有所帮助。

April 2017


I graduated from university with a Mechanical Engineering degree. I then transitioned to working full-time at the same business consulting startup I started working with in September.

毕业于大学 ,获得机械工程学位。 然后,我转为在9月份开始与之合作的同一家商业咨询初创公司的全职工作。

July 2017


I got let go from my job. I wasn’t given any reason for the decision which was a bummer, since I always want to learn from my mistakes. However, this ended up being good for me since the kind of developer work I was doing wasn’t what I ultimately wanted to be doing. I was doing simple WordPress and Shopify websites which weren’t challenging me as a developer. What I really wanted to be doing was create unique web applications that solved specific client needs.

从工作中解脱了 。 我没有理由做出这个决定,因为我一直想从错误中学习。 但是,这最终对我来说是件好事,因为我从事的开发人员工作并不是我最终想要做的。 我当时在做简单的WordPressShopify网站,但这并没有挑战我作为开发人员的地位 。 我真正想做的是创建解决特定客户需求的独特Web应用程序。

Being let go also ignited a fire in me. While working full-time, I wasn’t prioritizing learning. So I wasn’t positioning myself to land a developer job that worked on solving interesting problems using flexible tech stacks. The week after I was let go, I doubled down in my learning efforts. I started working away on lots of side projects. I was writing blog articles, reading/watching tutorials, and participating in developer meetups. I also started giving talks to groups of developers on web development technologies.

被放开也点燃了我的心 。 全职工作时,我并没有优先考虑学习。 所以我并没有把自己定位在寻找开发人员的工作上,该工作致力于使用灵活的技术堆栈解决有趣的问题。 放手一周,我的学习努力就加倍了。 我开始从事许多附带项目。 我正在写博客文章,阅读/观看教程,并参加开发人员聚会。 我还开始就Web开发技术与开发人员进行讨论。

求职 (Job Hunt)

The hunt for a web developer job that I truly desired lasted from August 2017 to December 2017 (5 months). I was applying to many different web development companies that were located in large cities. I wanted to move to a larger city since I wanted to be part of a more vibrant tech community. Also I believe there are more opportunities for career growth in larger cities.

我真正希望获得的Web开发人员寻找工作持续了2017年8月至2017年12月( 5个月 )。 我向位于大城市的许多不同的Web开发公司提出了申请。 我想搬到一个更大的城市,因为我想成为一个更具活力的技术社区的一员。 我也相信在大城市有更多的职业发展机会。

Not sure how many applications I ended up sending up, but I ended up with 5 interviews. I had one interview that went extremely well. The company’s HR person had me convinced I had the job, but then something happened and I was told the company went into a “hiring freeze.”

不知道我最终发送了多少申请,但是我最终接受5次采访 。 我的采访非常顺利。 该公司的人力资源人员让我确信我已经找到了工作,但随后发生了一些事情,并被告知该公司陷入了“招聘冻结”状态。

This sucked since I had already told a bunch of people that it looked like I was likely going to work for the company. This experience taught me to keep my mouth shut about all future interviews. I reserved making any sort of announcements before I had received a formal job offer and signed some official paperwork.

因为我已经告诉了一堆人,看来我很可能会在公司工作,所以这真是太糟糕了。 这段经历使我对以后的所有采访都保持警惕。 在收到正式工作邀请并签署一些正式文书之前,我不愿发表任何形式的公告。

I had another interview with for a job that would have been in Amsterdam. I was really excited about since I had visited the city the previous summer and really liked it. Unfortunately, I kind of bombed the coding challenge, which I described here

我曾接受过另一份面试,这份工作原本应该在阿姆斯特丹进行。 自从去年夏天我参观了这座城市以来,我真的很兴奋。 不幸的是,我有点轰炸了编码挑战,我在这里描述了

工作机会 (Job Offer)

I was working a lot on side projects involving React since it was part of a lot of job posting requirements. One company I applied for sent me a coding challenge that had me build out a small login and user dashboard application using React. I was given around a week to complete the challenge and I went ALL OUT. I was spending 6–8 hours a day working on the challenge and had a friend of mine do a code review where he suggested improvements to my app.

我参与了涉及React的辅助项目,因为它是很多职位发布要求的一部分。 我申请的一家公司给我发送了编码挑战,使我不得不使用React构建一个小的登录和用户仪表板应用程序。 我被安排了大约一周的时间来完成挑战,然后我全力以赴。 我每天要花6到8个小时来应对挑战,并且让我的一个朋友进行了代码审查,他提出了改进我的应用程序的建议。

After submitting my solution to the coding challenge, I was asked to participate in a video interview with some of the team members at the company. I would call my interview more of a conversation since it was really me talking about my past experience. It was also a chance for their team to get a sense of my personality and interests. I had a good vibe from the experience, but I am also a terrible judge of how my interviews turn out. The interview was on a Tuesday and I received an offer for employment at the end of the day on Friday for a position as a full stack web developer at Osedea. Of course, I accepted the offer

将我的解决方案提交编码挑战后,我被要求参加与公司一些团队成员的视频采访。 我将采访称为对话,因为这实际上是我在谈论过去的经历。 他们的团队也有机会了解我的个性和兴趣。 从这次经历中我感觉很不错,但是对于面试的结果我也是一个糟糕的判断。 面试是在周二进行的,我在周五结束时收到了一份工作机会 , 希望在Osedea担任全职网络开发人员。 我当然接受了

I’ve been at my newest job for a little over a month now and couldn’t be happier with where I am. I’m learning a ton by working on projects that use React, React Native, and Laravel. The company encourages everyone to take time to stay up to date with latest technology trends. I’m being exposed to a bunch of new stuff on a daily basis and I’m growing as a web developer at an extremely fast pace.

我最近的工作已经有一个多月了,对自己的位置再也不能感到高兴了。 我正在通过使用React,React Native和Laravel的项目学习很多东西。 该公司鼓励每个人花时间跟上最新的技术趋势。 我每天都会接触大量新事物,并且我以非常快的速度成长为网站开发人员

I hope this article helps inspire some people to pursue a web development career. It may also provide some ideas on how best to approach getting a job as a web developer. Feel free to reach out for any more details or advice!

我希望本文有助于激发一些人从事网络开发事业。 它还可能提供一些有关如何最好地找到工作作为Web开发人员的想法。 欢迎与我们联系,以获取更多详细信息或建议!

If you found this article interesting and front end development interests you, consider following me on Twitter, Github, or LinkedIn.


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/landing-my-first-full-stack-web-developer-job-9f98afff1dea/





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