
news/2024/7/3 2:49:59


by Courtney


我如何通过全职工作,伴侣和3岁的双胞胎男孩打造产品 (How I built my product with a full-time job, partner and 3 year old twin boys)

If you’ve opened this article then I’ll assume that you’re either in a similar scenario wondering if this is just clickbait? Or you might be thinking that this cannot be possible. I want to tell you that it is and in this article I’ll tell you how. So let’s get started.

如果您打开了这篇文章,那么我将假设您处于类似的情况下,想知道这是否只是点击诱饵? 否则您可能会认为这不可能。 我想告诉你,在本文中,我将告诉你如何做。 因此,让我们开始吧。

In December 2015, I launched Parserr, an email parser which allows you to turn incoming emails into useful data to be used in various other 3rd party systems. You can use the tool to extract anything stored within email such as website enquiries that are sent to email, inbound lead emails or even food orders. Once extracted, Parserr makes it super easy to transfer that data into a multitude of 3rd party systems including Excel, Google sheets, CRM’s and much more.

2015年12月,我启动了Parserr ,这是一个电子邮件解析器,它使您可以将传入的电子邮件转换为有用的数据,以供其他各种第三方系统使用。 您可以使用该工具提取电子邮件中存储的所有内容,例如发送到电子邮件的网站查询,入站线索电子邮件甚至食品订单。 提取后,Parserr可以非常轻松地将数据传输到许多第三方系统中,包括Excel,Google表格,CRM等。

Parserr has a Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR) at the early 5 figure mark.

Parserr的月经常性收入 (MRR)位于前5位。

It was my 26th attempt at launching an online business (dating back to 2006) and the 2nd one in which I had made at least one dollar from in 9 years. ?

这是我第26次尝试开展在线业务(可追溯到2006年),而这是我第二次尝试在9年内从中赚到至少一美元。 ?

My first business that actually made any money was an e-commerce business launched in 2013. More about that another day.


Up until 2015, I was an online wantrepreneur who spent more time reading about other people’s successes in their books and listening to them talk about it on Mixergy. Even if I garnered enough confidence from hearing others, I’d only end up building a product that nobody wanted or simply build something I couldn’t bother to market or sell.

直到2015年,我还是一个在线求职者 ,他花了更多时间阅读他人书籍中的成功案例,并听他们在Mixergy上谈论它。 即使我从听到别人的声音中获得了足够的信心,但我最终只会制造出一种没人想要的产品,或者只是制造出一种我不想打扰销售或出售的产品。

The problem was, I’m an introvert and I followed everyone else’s advice instead of my gut. Listening to Mixergy, or reading one of the 896 different biographies on successful founders should really be an idea stimulation exercise. But instead, I held up the advice offered by these founders as God-spoken truth.

问题是,我性格内向,我遵循别人的建议而不是直言不讳。 聆听Mixergy或阅读有关成功创始人的896种不同的传记之一,实际上应该是一种刺激想法的练习。 但是,相反,我坚持了这些创始人提供的忠告,即上帝所说的真理。

I realized that my situation and another founders situation are totally unique. Which also means what works for Jack Dorsey or Rob Walling won’t potentially work for me. Which is why I’d like to stress again to anyone reading this article, that what works for me, won’t necessarily work for you.

我意识到我的情况和另一位创始人的情况完全不同。 这也意味着对杰克·多西(Jack Dorsey)或罗伯·沃林(Rob Walling)有用的东西对我来说可能无用。 这就是为什么我想再次向阅读本文的任何人强调,什么对我有用,不一定对您有用。

But, I’m willing to bet that some of you are:


  • Introverts

  • Fathers or mothers

  • Husbands or wives

  • Working a full-time job whilst hustling on the side

  • Desperate to get out of slaving for someone else’s fortunes ?


If that is the case, there is a way forward. But you need to be ruthless about your time!

如果真是这样,那就有一条前进的道路。 但是,您需要对自己的时间保持冷酷!

建筑解析器 (Building Parserr)

I’m not going to delve into the how and what of product building here. Suffice to say that I assume most people reading this article have experience in building products. There is plenty of advice on the Internet about product market fit and releasing just the MVP and not feature loading it.

我不会在这里研究产品的构建方式和方式。 可以肯定地说,我假设大多数阅读本文的人都有制造产品的经验。 互联网上有很多关于产品市场适应性的建议,只是发布MVP而没有加载它。

The best advice I ever heard about launching a product was that of Reid Hoffman:

我听说过的有关发布产品的最佳建议是Reid Hoffman的建议:

If you are not embarrassed by the first version of your product, you’ve launched too late.


I think the sentiment may be a little extreme but it forces one to think constantly about whether you need that feature you’re working on.


Parserr came from a few previous consulting clients needing to get data into SharePoint from various incoming email log file reports and other documents automatically.


The very first version did that just that and it was horrific.


  • No pricing.

  • No website.

  • No login.

  • No pricing page.


That first client really didn’t care about the user experience. Neither does yours. They just want the product to do what it says on the tin. That took me just 10 days.

那第一个客户真的不在乎用户体验。 你的也没有。 他们只希望产品按照锡上的说明去做。 那只花了我10天。

Try to imagine what your client needs for the MVP, not what you feel they want. That comes later. From that first horrific version, I just iterated on the product. And I still am!

尝试想象您的客户需要MVP,而不是想要的。 那是稍后。 从第一个可怕的版本开始,我就迭代了该产品。 我仍然是!

我如何找到付费客户? (How will I find paying customers?)

After reading 896 books and launching 25 previous ideas, you begin to realize what works for you and what doesn’t from a marketing/selling aspect. I don’t regret these 9 years. I just think I’ve been a slow learner. And that’s OK.

在阅读了896本书并提出了25项先前的想法之后,您开始认识到对您有用的东西,而从营销/销售方面来看却没有。 这9年我不后悔。 我只是觉得我学得慢。 没关系。

I didn’t lack the motivation to code (build). I just could not get it in front of customers. You need the medium to deliver your product. But I’m a firm believer that it needs to suit your personality.

我并不缺乏编写代码的动力。 我只是无法在客户面前看到它。 您需要使用介质来交付产品。 但我坚信,它需要适合您的个性。

In the 9 years of building and failing, I’ve experimented with every method of getting my products in front of folks:


  • The Foundation’s method of idea extraction (sitting on call with potential customers)


  • Buying Google, Facebook and LinkedIn Ads

  • Launching on Product Hunt

  • Finding co-founders in order to offload the selling responsibility

  • Exhibiting at industry specific events

  • Cold Emailing


All of them failed… for me that is. Instead, what worked for me were SEO and Marketplaces and I’ll cover them briefly below.

他们都失败了……对我而言。 相反,对我有用的SEO市场 ,下面将简要介绍它们。

搜索引擎优化(SEO) (Search Engine Optimisation (SEO))

I refer to SEO as the introvert’s method to marketing.


Instead of harassing someone at their workplace on the phone, forcing it on them in their LinkedIn/Facebook feed, or getting 10,000 of the wrong audience, SEO allows your customers to come to you rather than the other way around. Inbound sales they call it. Outbound makes me feel sick.

SEO不会在电话上骚扰某人,或在LinkedIn / Facebook feed中强迫该人,也不会吸引10,000个错误的观众,而是让您的客户来找您,而不是反过来。 他们称之为入库销售。 出站使我感到恶心。

Selling to these people who are looking for your solution is remarkably easier. However this comes with some caveats:

向寻找您解决方案的这些人出售要容易得多。 但是,这带有一些警告:

  1. Ranking well on Google takes a long period of time. Give yourself 3 months at least.

    在Google上排名靠前需要很长时间。 给自己至少三个月的时间。
  2. It’s usually very competitive depending on your niche.

  3. It requires you to produce decent content (hire someone - I can recommend a few winners) and generate quality back links to the content you create. Don’t shortcut this. DA 40+ with DoFollow links only. Build these by guest posting by outreach. Don’t do it yourself. Hire someone on Upwork. (Off-site SEO)

    它要求您产生体面的内容(雇用某人-我可以推荐一些获奖者),并生成指向您所创建内容的高质量反向链接。 不要捷径。 仅具有DoFollow链接的DA 40+。 通过外展来宾发布来构建这些内容。 不要自己做。 雇用某人进行Upwork 。 (异地SEO)

  4. It requires you to optimize your site accordingly (On-site SEO)


I identified the keywords I would go after through tools like Google Keyword Planner, and then analyzed my competitors’s keywords and found other related keywords with tools like Semrush. Then it became abundantly clear that there was a path forward for Parserr and I knew where I needed to focus.

我通过Google关键字规划师之类的工具确定了要使用的关键字 ,然后分析了竞争对手的关键字,并使用Semrush等工具找到了其他相关的关键字。 然后,很明显,Parserr有了前进的道路,我知道我需要集中精力。

市场 (Marketplaces)

This one is another gem and an introvert’s dream.


Parserr was lucky enough to join Microsoft Flow in its infancy. Microsoft Flow is similar to Zapier, in that it connects cloud applications and automates processes and workflows between them.

Parserr很幸运能够在婴儿期加入Microsoft Flow。 Microsoft Flow与Zapier相似,因为它可以连接云应用程序并使它们之间的流程和工作流自动化。

Flow and Zapier have been paramount in providing Parserr with a steady stream of warm inbound leads. Optimising our onboarding experience to suit these tools has helped conversion, where the average time I will spend with a customer before conversion is 27 minutes.

Flow和Zapier在为Parserr提供稳定的入站潜在客户流方面至关重要。 优化我们的入职体验以适应这些工具有助于转换,在转换之前,我与客户平均花费的时间为27分钟。

Potential customers opting into your service from a marketplace in which they also opted into, means the conversion to paying customer is far more likely. No harassment. Just customers wanting to solve business problems.

潜在客户从他们也选择加入的市场中选择了您的服务,这意味着转换为付费客户的可能性更大。 没有骚扰。 只是希望解决业务问题的客户。

耐心和时间管理 (Patience and Time Management)

Now to the crux of this story. Apart from the marketing methods I’ve used above, time management and patience are definitely needed to succeed, especially if you’re like me and have a lot of other commitments.

现在到这个故事的症结所在。 除了我上面使用的营销方法之外,要成功,绝对需要时间管理和耐心,特别是如果您像我一样并且有很多其他承诺。

忍耐 (Patience)

If you believe other hockey stick type articles such as, “How-I-built-my-SAAS-to-7-figures-in- 3-months”, then you may as well go and explore that right now. Personally, I believe that it’s all incredibly unhelpful advice. And this article should be as boring as Parserr’s growth curve.

如果您相信其他曲棍球杆式的文章,例如“如何在3个月内将我的SAAS制作成7个数字”,那么您最好现在就去探索。 就个人而言,我认为这都是无用的建议。 而且这篇文章应该和Parserr的增长曲线一样无聊。

I have been chugging along for 9 years trying to do this. I have woken up hating Parserr many times in the past 12 months. I have tried to sell it twice. I have tried to shelve it seven times, punched the desk once and worked all night without sleep 3 times.

我已经努力奋斗了9年了。 在过去的12个月中,我多次厌恶Parserr。 我试过卖两次。 我曾尝试将其搁置七次,对桌子打Kong一次,并且整夜不睡觉地工作了3次。

Everything Parserr has achieved has been through patience, persistence and consistency. There is nothing flashy about the grind of SaaS. There is nothing flashy about Parserr. There is no quick growth short cut.

Parserr所取得的一切都是通过耐心,持久性和一致性。 关于SaaS的研讨没有什么浮华的。 Parserr没什么浮华的。 没有快速增长的捷径。

Large Product Hunt launches or huge discounts on AppSumo are really just “flash in pan” type solutions that give false illusions of growth. All I’ve ever tried to do is to provide good service and solve the email parsing problem really well. Revenue will come.

在AppSumo上推出的大型产品搜寻或巨大折扣实际上只是“泛滥成灾”类型的解决方案,给人以错误的增长幻想。 我曾经尝试做的就是提供优质的服务,并很好地解决电子邮件解析问题。 收入会来的。

时间管理 (Time management)

In order to effectively manage and grow the business, I knew that time management would play an important role and that my priorities would have to be set right:


  1. Food, Water and Sleep

  2. Kids and Wife (or rather Wife and Kids) ?

  3. Full-time work

  4. Parserr


This is hard to stomach but imperative. If you understand Maslow’s hierachy of needs you’ll know that Physiological (1) and Safety (2, 3) needs are core to human survival.

这很难忍受,但势在必行。 如果您了解Maslow的需求层次,就会知道生理(1)和安全(2,3)需求是人类生存的核心。

If you don’t sleep, or don’t sleep enough, you can’t focus. If you don’t eat, or overeat, you can’t focus. If you eat badly, you can’t focus.

如果您不睡觉或睡眠不足,您将无法集中精力。 如果您不吃饭或吃得太饱,您将无法集中精力。 如果吃不好,就不能集中精力。

If you neglect these needs, it doesn’t end well.


If you have a strained or non-existent relationship with your immediate family, no business will ever make you happy. Personal security and emotional security are paramount (Safety needs - Maslow). If you prioritize your business, you’ll prioritize above a core human need. Don’t do it.

如果您与直系亲属之间的关系紧张或不存在,没有生意会令您感到幸福。 人身安全情感安全至关重要(安全需求-马斯洛)。 如果您将业务放在优先位置,那么您将优先考虑核心需求。 不要这样

If you neglect these needs, it doesn’t end well.


Turns out that if you instead focus on optimization of your time with a healthy mind and body, you can do about 4 hours of work on your side project per day. When you are at full-time work, work hard. Never work on your side project at work. Remember your wage buys much security and safety.

事实证明,如果您专注于通过健康的身心来优化时间,则每天可以在辅助项目上进行大约4个小时的工作。 当您全职工作时,努力工作。 永远不要在您的辅助项目上工作。 请记住,您的工资可以购买很多安全保障。

Here is my typical day:


On weekends I typically:


  • Saturday 6:30 am - 7:30 am: Parserr support requests

    星期六6:30 am-7:30 am: Parserr支持请求

  • Saturday 8 am - 12 pm: Kids. Outside, having fun, without my phone. Wifey has a break.

    星期六:上午8点至下午12点:孩子们。 在外面,玩得开心,不用我的手机。 妻子休息了。

  • Saturday 12 pm - 7 pm: Playing tennis/exercise


  • Sunday 6:30 am - 7:30 am: Parserr support requests

    周日上午6: 30- 上午7:30: Parserr支持请求

  • Sunday 8 am - 12 pm: Kids. Outside, having fun, without my phone. Together as a family

    周日上午8点至下午12点:孩子们。 在外面,玩得开心,不用我的手机。 一家人在一起

  • Sunday 12 pm - 7 pm: Mix. Cleaning the garden & house. Some time with kids. Little bit of coding

    星期日中午12时至晚上7时:混合。 清洁花园和房屋。 和孩子们在一起。 一点点编码

I live on the east coast of Australia and so early mornings and late evenings are the perfect time to support the majority customer timezone of the US.


You need to be ruthless about your time. Write down how you spend your time like I have above. But above all remember, you’re not a machine. Give yourself a break. Patience and consistency is key.

您需要对时间保持冷酷无情。 写下您如何度过我上面的时光。 但最重要的是,您不是一台机器。 休息一下。 耐心和一致性是关键。

结论 (Conclusion)

Remember. This is what worked for me.

记得。 这对我有用。

It may or may not work for you. There is no formula. There is careful time management and patience. There is a bit of luck. There is a bit of timing!

它可能对您不起作用。 没有公式。 有仔细的时间安排和耐心。 有一点运气。 有点时间!

If you’d like to help me grow Parserr, please share this article on your favourite social media engine.


If you’d like to ask me any questions I’d happily answer in the comments below.


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/how-i-built-my-product-with-a-full-time-job-partner-and-3-year-old-twin-boys-f354432ff2a7/





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