
news/2024/7/5 5:20:28


If you used to submit (or read) articles on the freeCodeCamp Medium publication, there is a chance that your article may have been edited by me (or by another member of the team of volunteer editors).

如果您以前曾经在freeCodeCamp Medium出版物上提交(或阅读过)文章,那么您的文章可能已经由我(或由志愿编辑小组的另一名成员)编辑过。

It was in the summer of 2017 that I responded to a call by Quincy Larson, freeCodeCamp’s founder, for volunteer editors, to help edit technical articles submitted by developers from across the globe.

正是在2017年夏天,我响应了freeCodeCamp创始人Quincy Larson的一次志愿者编辑电话,以帮助编辑全球开发人员提交的技术文章。

And the past one and half years have been an amazing journey for me. I have learned a ton from the articles which I have had the opportunity of editing, improved as a front-end developer, and have improved on my writing. I was also named a freeCodeCamp top contributor for the year 2018, and started a developer community in my city, Warri Nigeria in 2018, which has grown to over 550+ active members in less than 10 months.

过去的一年半对我来说是一段了不起的旅程。 我从这些文章中学到了很多东西,这些文章我有过编辑的机会,作为前端开发人员得到了改善,并且对我的写作也有所改善。 我还被评为2018年的FreeCodeCamp杰出贡献者 ,并于2018年 在我的城市Warri Nigeria建立了一个开发人员社区,在不到10个月的时间里,该社区已增长到550多个活跃成员。

If you are wondering how much freeCodeCamp has impacted my life as a volunteer, I wrote about it here.


新的篇章始于RunCloud (A new chapter begins with RunCloud)

I have always believed in the sharing and supporting the spread of knowledge within the tech ecosystem, and the team at RunCloud shares the same conviction — that’s why I joined them.

我一直相信在技术生态系统内共享和支持知识的传播, RunCloud的团队也有着相同的信念-这就是我加入他们的原因。

And so, starting this January, 2019, I am joining RunCloud as a full-time Technical Writer, Editor and Africa ambassador. RunCloud is a SaaS startup that helps you setup, configure, manage, and monitor your VPS on cloud hosting providers like Digital Ocean, AWS, Google Cloud Platform, specifically for PHP and WordPress applications.

因此,从2019年1月开始,我将以全职技术作家,编辑兼非洲大使的身份加入RunCloud 。 RunCloud是一家SaaS创业公司,可帮助您在专门用于PHP和WordPress应用程序的云托管提供商(例如Digital Ocean,AWS,Google Cloud Platform)上设置,配置,管理和监视VPS。

As a technical writer, I will help with RunCloud’s product documentation, the crafting of high quality blog posts, production of training resources for developer communities, and the editing of articles.


I will also be speaking (and supporting developer events happening across Africa) more at meetups and tech conferences, as part of our company’s efforts in supporting developer communities within Africa. You should reach out to me on charles[at]runcloud[dot]io, if you lead a developer community and I will be happy to discuss and support your events.

我还将在聚会和技术会议上发表更多演讲(并支持在非洲发生的开发人员活动),这是我们公司支持非洲开发人员社区的工作的一部分。 如果您领导开发人员社区,则应该在charles [runcloud] io上与我联系,我将很乐意讨论和支持您的活动。

我如何加入RunCloud的-从推文开始 (How I joined RunCloud — It started with a tweet)

In December of 2018, I decided against writing a “Year in Review”, even though I was pleased with how much I had accomplished: I had grown as a developer and writer, and I had built a developer community to over 550 plus active members in less than a year while hosting 8 meetups.


I wanted a bigger challenge for 2019, so I tweeted something about my new year’s resolution for 2019 . I’ve deleted the tweet since, but here is what I wrote:

我希望在2019年面临更大的挑战,所以我在推特上发布了有关2019年新年决议的一些信息。 从那以后,我已经删除了该推文,但这是我写的:

New Year Resolution, get a job as a front-end developer, technical writer, and/or developer advocate. #100DaysOfCode
新年决议,找到一份前端开发人员,技术撰稿人和/或开发人员拥护者的工作。 #100DaysOfCode

I had overwhelming support from the tech community — Raj, a member of the RunCloud team, reached out to me about the possibility of joining the team at RunCloud, as a technical writer, and like they say, the rest is history.


对于freeCodeCamp -谢谢 (And to the freeCodeCamp — thank you)

I wish to express my profound gratitude to Quincy Larson, Abbey, Jesse, Beau Carnes, Toni Shortsleeve and the editorial team — we are a small bunch of tastemakers of technology. Working with you all has been one of the proudest moments of my life, which I will always cherish!

我要对昆西·拉尔森 ( Quincy Larson) , 修道院 , 杰西(Jesse) , 博卡恩斯 ( Beau Carnes) , 托尼·肖特里夫 ( Toni Shortsleeve)和编辑团队表示深切的感谢,我们只是一小撮技术品味制造者。 与大家一起工作是我一生中最骄傲的时刻之一,我将永远珍惜!

As a way of giving back to freeCodeCamp, I am setting up a monthly donation and will encourage you to join me in giving back to the organization that is helping millions of people learn to code for free, here.

作为回馈freeCodeCamp的方式,我建立一个每月捐款 ,并鼓励你和我一起回馈是帮助数以百万计的人的组织学习代码为免费, 在这里 。

And now, a new chapter begins.


You can find out more about RunCloud here and on our blog.


翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/a-new-chapter-begins-i-am-joining-runcloud-as-a-full-time-technical-writer-afba58ec6a13/





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