
news/2024/7/7 22:33:47

In this lecture from Colton Ogden, you can learn game development principles by coding a Helicopter Game 3D using Unity and C#. The principles you learn can apply to any programming language and any game.

在Colton Ogden的本次演讲中,您可以通过使用Unity和C#对Helicopter Game 3D进行编码来学习游戏开发原理。 您学习的原理可以应用于任何编程语言和任何游戏。

This lecture is part of CS50's Introduction to Game Development course from Harvard University. The course explores principles of 2D and 3D graphics, animation, sound, and collision detection using frameworks like Unity and LÖVE 2D, as well as languages like Lua and C#.

该讲座是哈佛大学CS50游戏开发入门课程的一部分。 本课程使用Unity和LÖVE2D等框架以及Lua和C#等语言探索2D和3D图形,动画,声音和碰撞检测的原理。

By end of the course (we're posting one lecture per day), you will have programmed several of your own games and gained a thorough understanding of the basics of game design and development.


This eighth lecture teaches all the key components of a 3d helicopter game.


You can watch the lecture on the freeCodeCamp.org YouTube channel.

您可以在freeCodeCamp.org YouTube频道上观看讲座。

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/create-a-3d-helicopter-game-in-unity/




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