mac 制作usb启动盘_如何使用Mac制作Windows 10 USB-从Mac终端构建可启动的ISO

news/2024/6/30 12:04:20

mac 制作usb启动盘

Most new PCs don't come with DVD drives anymore. So it can be a pain to install Windows on a new computer.

大多数新PC不再附带DVD驱动器。 因此,在新计算机上安装Windows可能会很痛苦。

Luckily, Microsoft makes a tool that you can use to install Windows from a USB storage drive (or "thumbdrive" as they are often called).


But what if you don't have a second PC for setting up that USB storage drive in the first place?


In this tutorial we'll show you how you can set this up from a Mac.


步骤1:下载Windows 10 ISO档案 (Step 1: Download the Windows 10 ISO file)

You can download the ISO file straight from Windows. That's right - everything we're going to do here is 100% legal and sanctioned by Microsoft.

您可以直接从Windows下载ISO文件。 没错-我们在这里要做的所有事情都是100%合法的,并受到Microsoft的认可。

If you want an English-language version of the latest update of Windows 10, you can download the ISO here.

如果要使用Windows 10最新更新的英语版本,可以在此处下载ISO 。

If you have a relatively new computer, you probably want the 64-bit version. If you're not sure, go with the 32-bit version to be safe.

如果您有一台相对较新的计算机,则可能需要64位版本。 如果不确定,请确保使用32位版本。

If you want a non-English-language version of Windows, or want to get an older update version, download the ISO here instead.

如果您需要Windows的非英语版本,或者想要获得较旧的更新版本,请在此处下载ISO 。

第2步:将USB存储驱动器插入Mac (Step 2: Insert your USB storage drive into your Mac)

The ISO file is only about 5 gigabytes, but I recommend you use a USB drive with at least 16 gigabytes of space just in case Windows needs more space during the installation process.

ISO文件只有大约5 GB,但是我建议您使用至少16 GB的USB驱动器,以防Windows在安装过程中需要更多空间。

I bought a 32 gigabyte USB drive at Walmart for only $3, so this shouldn't be very expensive.

我在沃尔玛只花了3美元购买了一个32 GB的USB驱动器,所以它应该不会很昂贵。

Stick your USB drive into your Mac. Then open your terminal. You can do this using MacOS Spotlight by pressing both the ⌘ and Space bar at the same time, then typing "terminal" and hitting enter.

将USB驱动器插入Mac。 然后打开您的终端。 您可以使用MacOS Spotlight做到这一点,方法是同时按下⌘和空格键,然后键入“终端”并按Enter。

Don't be intimidated by the command line interface. I'm going to tell you exactly which commands to enter.

不要被命令行界面吓到。 我将确切告诉您要输入的命令。

步骤3:使用diskutil命令确定USB安装在哪个驱动器上 (Step 3: Use the diskutil command to identify which drive your USB is mounted on)

Open Mac Spotlight using the ⌘ + space keyboard shortcut. Then type the word "terminal" and select Terminal from the dropdown list.

使用⌘+空格键快捷键打开Mac Spotlight。 然后输入单词“ terminal”,然后从下拉列表中选择Terminal。

Paste the following command into your terminal and hit enter:


diskutil list

diskutil list

You will see output like this (note - your Mac's terminal may be black text on a white background if you haven't customized it).


Copy the text I point to here. It will probably be something like

复制我指向的文本。 可能会像



步骤4:格式化USB驱动器以与Windows一起使用 (Step 4: Format your USB Drive to work with Windows)

Next format your USB drive to Windows FAT32 format. This is a format that Windows 10 will recognize.

接下来,将USB驱动器格式化为Windows FAT32格式。 这是Windows 10可以识别的格式。

Note that you should replace the disk2 with the name of the your drive from step 3 if it wasn't disk2. (It may be disk3 or disk4).

请注意,您应该更换disk2与第3步你的驱动器的名称,如果不是disk2 。 (可能是disk3disk4 )。

Run this command using the correct disk number for your USB:


diskutil eraseDisk MS-DOS "WIN10" GPT /dev/disk2

diskutil eraseDisk MS-DOS "WIN10" GPT /dev/disk2

Then you'll see terminal output like this.


This will probably only take about 20 seconds on a newer computer, but may take longer on an older computer.


Note that for some hardware, you may instead need to run this command, which uses the MBR format for partitioning instead of GPT. Come back and try this command if step 7 fails, then redo steps 5, 6, and 7:

请注意,对于某些硬件,您可能需要运行此命令,该命令使用MBR格式而不是GPT进行分区。 如果步骤7失败,请返回并尝试使用此命令,然后重做步骤5、6和7:

diskutil eraseDisk MS-DOS "WIN10" MBR /dev/disk2

步骤5:使用hdiutil挂载Windows 10文件夹并准备进行传输。 (Step 5: Use hdiutil to mount the Windows 10 folder and prepare it for transfer.)

Now we're going to prep our downloaded ISO file so we can copy it over to our USB drive.


You will need to check where your downloaded Windows 10 ISO file is and use that. But your file is probably located in your ~/Downloads folder with a name of Win10_1903_V1_English_x64.iso.

您将需要检查下载的Windows 10 ISO文件在哪里,并使用它。 但是您的文件可能位于~/Downloads文件夹中,名称为Win10_1903_V1_English_x64.iso

hdiutil mount ~/Downloads/Win10_1903_V1_English_x64.iso

hdiutil mount ~/Downloads/Win10_1903_V1_English_x64.iso

步骤6:将Windows 10 ISO复制到USB驱动器 (Step 6: Copy the Windows 10 ISO over to your USB Drive)

Update April 2020: One of the files in the Windows 10 ISO – install.wim – is now too large to copy over to a FAT-32 formatted USB drive. So I'll show you how to copy it over separately.

2020年4月更新: Windows 10 ISO中的文件之一– install.wim –现在太大,无法复制到FAT-32格式的USB驱动器。 因此,我将向您展示如何分别复制。

Thank you to @alexlubbock for coming up with this workaround.


First run this command to copy over everything but that file:


rsync -vha --exclude=sources/install.wim /Volumes/CCCOMA_X64FRE_EN-US_DV9/ /Volumes/WIN10

rsync -vha --exclude=sources/install.wim /Volumes/CCCOMA_X64FRE_EN-US_DV9/ /Volumes/WIN10

Then run this command to install Homebrew (if you don't have it installed on your Mac yet):


/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

/usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

Then use Homebrew to install a tool called wimlib with this terminal command:


brew install wimlib

brew install wimlib

Then go ahead and create the directory that you're going to write the files into:


mkdir /Volumes/WIN10/sources

mkdir /Volumes/WIN10/sources

Then run this command. It will use wimlib to split the install.wim file into 2 files less than 4 GB each, then copy them over to your USB:

然后运行此命令。 它将使用wimlib将install.wim文件拆分为2个小于4 GB的文件,然后将其复制到USB:

wimlib-imagex split /Volumes/CCCOMA_X64FRE_EN-US_DV9/sources/install.wim /Volumes/WIN10/sources/install.swm 4000

wimlib-imagex split /Volumes/CCCOMA_X64FRE_EN-US_DV9/sources/install.wim /Volumes/WIN10/sources/install.swm 4000

Once that's done, you can eject your USB from your Mac inside Finder.


步骤7:将USB插入新PC并开始加载Windows (Step 7: Put your USB into your new PC and start loading Windows)

Congratulations - your computer now should boot directly from your USB drive. If it doesn't, you may need to check your new PC's BIOS and change the boot order to boot from your USB drive.

恭喜-您的计算机现在应该直接从USB驱动器启动。 如果不是,则可能需要检查新PC的BIOS并更改启动顺序以从USB驱动器启动。

Windows will pop up a screen and start the installation process.


Enjoy your new PC, and your newly-installed copy of Windows.



mac 制作usb启动盘


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