在Mac上控制Alt Delete-如何在Macbook上打开任务管理器

news/2024/7/5 2:09:46

It happens to the best of us: we're working away on some important project, and our trusty computer freezes. Or rather, a program we're in just stops responding. So what do you do?

这对我们最好的人来说是偶然的:我们正在做一些重要的项目,而我们可信赖的计算机死机了。 或者说,我们正在使用的程序只是停止响应。 所以你会怎么做?

If you have a Windows machine, you can just use the familiar CTRL+ALT+DEL sequence to force quit whatever program is misbehaving. But that doesn't work on a Mac.

如果您有Windows计算机,则可以使用熟悉的CTRL + ALT + DEL序列强制退出任何行为异常的程序。 但这在Mac上不起作用。

Don't worry, though - there is one super simple way to force quit on a Mac (and a couple other methods you can keep in your back pocket as well). Let's learn what that is.

不过,请不要担心-有一种超级简单的方法可以在Mac上强制退出(还有几种其他方法也可以放在后腰)。 让我们了解那是什么。

如何在Mac上强制退出 (How to force quit on a Mac)

The easiest way to force a program to quit on your Mac is a simple key sequence similar to ctrl+alt+delete. Just tap COMMAND+OPTION+ESC, in that order. Here's where those keys are located on a typical Mac keyboard:

强制程序在Mac上退出的最简单方法是类似于ctrl + alt + delete的简单键序列。 只需依次按COMMAND + OPTION + ESC。 这些键位于典型的Mac键盘上:

This will bring up a task manager type window that looks like this:


Then just select the non-responsive program and hit "Force Quit" which will stop that program from running.


Note: since you'll be forcing that program to quit in the middle of whatever you were doing, any unsaved data might be lost. Make sure you enable auto-saving, back up your projects often, and keep your computer clean and up to date.

注意 :由于您将在执行任何操作时强制该程序退出,因此任何未保存的数据都可能会丢失。 确保启用自动保存功能,经常备份项目,并保持计算机清洁和最新。

替代方法 (An alternative method)

Why learn just one way to force quit when you can learn two? Click the Apple logo at the top left of your screen in the menu bar. Scroll down to "Force Quit" and it'll bring up the same task manager.

当您可以学习两种方法时,为什么只学习一种强迫戒烟的方法呢? 在菜单栏中,单击屏幕左上方的Apple徽标。 向下滚动到“强制退出”,它将弹出相同的任务管理器。

Simple as that!


Now that you've dealt with your crashing application, you can get back to work. :)

既然您已经处理了崩溃的应用程序,则可以恢复工作。 :)

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/control-alt-delete-on-mac-how-to-open-task-manager-on-your-macbook/




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