
news/2024/7/5 5:00:40

PoPo数据可视化 聚焦于Web数据可视化与可视化交互领域,发现可视化领域有意思的内容。不想错过可视化领域的精彩内容, 就快快关注吧 :)

2018 in the Ito Design Lab



Temperature anomalies arranged by country 1900 - 2018. Visualization based on Berkeley Earth data.



How far can you travel from Paris by car in 5 hours? I tried to re-create a classic map with here data using QGIS


The Lifespan of News Stories

新闻如何进入(和退出)公众意识, 哪些故事在公众视野中停留时间最长,哪些故事逐渐消失?


BusRouter SG: Singapore Bus Routes Explorer


Explore bus stops and routes on the map for all bus services in Singapore, with realtime bus arrival times and per-bus-stop passing routes overview.

Charting Randy Rainbow's Rising Popularity.


After seeing Randy Rainbow's live comedy show, I was curious about how he got started. Exploring his videos on youtube inspired me to create a data visualization of his work's evolution. It's a work-in-progress. I hope you enjoy it!

What makes a good country?


Every country in the world is regularly tracked by a large number of metrics. Some are mundane measures (e.g., population, physical size) and others are meant to reflect quality (e.g., control of corruption, political rights score). This creates a large list of variables that could make a country “good” or “bad”, with no simple way to combine them.

How Every Member Got to Congress


The United States does not grant titles of nobility. There are no lords, barons or dukes here. At least, not officially.Unofficially, however, Congress is made up of people who have credentials and experiences vastly different from those of most citizens. Unofficially, considering education, career, family background and personal wealth, it seems that America has a ruling class — or at least a limited number of ways to enter the halls of power.

Insights... Visualizing Conducting


For a conductor, the hand gestures, along with the visual expression and energy, is the most relevant key to a successful piece. Through the website, we wanted to share the same experience as a spectator would have in one of her concerts. Therefore, we developed a WebGL particle system whose colour and intensity are determined by the movements and choreography of the conductor.



Here are all the tracked (satellites and stuff) icebergs since the year 2000. I was interested to see a consistent Coriolis swirl around the Antarctic continent, and then a general flinging from the Antarctic Peninsula like a jai alai cesta.

glChAoS.P / wglChAoS.P

Real time 3D strange attractors scout

Yes, another attractor visualizer, but glChAoS.P allows you to explore interactively any attractor type, modifyng linearly the values and displaying the changes obtained, immediately, in 3D and in realtime.





Fibre is a WebGL application for visualizing and coding 3d vector fields and dynamical systems. A number of presets with well-known or interesting dynamical systems are provided as below (click to launch). New vector fields can be authored in the code editor, and shared via an HTML link with the embedded code.

Amazing Earth: Satellite Images From 2018

In 2018, our satellites captured beautiful imagery from throughout the solar system and beyond. However, some of our favorite visualizations are of our home planet. This list is by no means exhaustive, but it does capture some Earth satellite images from this year that are both visually compelling as well as scientifically informative. Every day, NASA's Earth satellite missions collect data used to monitor environmental changes and prepare for natural disasters. Images like these provide invaluable information to scientists, disaster responders and community members.

These images represent a broad variety of Earth’s features, as well as satellite instrumentation. Join us, as we take a journey around the globe.


Mapping and Visualization


作者 Scott Reinhard is a Brooklyn-based graphic designer. He has worked for the New York multi-disciplinary design studio 2 × 4, the Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago, and VSA Partners. Scott has taught in the Graduate Communications Design program at the Pratt Institute and holds a Master of Graphic Design from North Carolina State University.

Go with the flow


Most of my cartographic side projects these days follow a theme: mapping elevation data in some way or another. In the past year that has included wading into some “traditional” waters—trying some modern digital hillshading following Daniel Huffman’s processes, and hand-shading follwing Sarah Bell’s processes (and Eduard Imhof’s, in turn)—but most projects have been experiements in web-based terrain maps: from simple shaded relief to fuzzy things to flowing things to contour maps. And now, to this next thing.


或许能从中找到许多可视化的灵感, 附上2016年\2017年地址




2018 年 Top 18 Mapbox 地图

2018 年,地图的边界再一次被开拓了 —— 更大的数据集、更雄心勃勃的开发者故事、更具沉浸感的设计、以及大量的 3D 元素等,让地图跳脱出框架,具有更大的力量。地图不仅仅揭示了地理信息,更大的意义在于让或大或小的事情与地点相互连接,帮助我们发现周遭、我们与更广阔的世界之间的联系。下面是 18 张 2018 年最经典的使用 Mapbox 制作的地图,先转后看!


Four Ways Uber Visualization Made an Impact in 2018


For those unfamiliar with the work of Uber’s Visualization group, our team focuses on delivering data products for a variety of customers, from city authorities to self-driving engineers. We support the organization with advanced products to better understand self-driving car, geospatial, and business data in the context of urban mobility.

iForest: Interpreting Random Forests via Visual Analytics



关系网络 | 文献泛读: node-link 与 matrix



Formalizing Visualization Design Knowledge as Constraints: Actionable and Extensible Models in Draco



本文提出了一种自动化可视设计的规范框架 ,使用一些设计规范来帮助用户制作好的可视化设计


本文基于Clingo,这是一种基于答案集编程(ASP)的求解器,还有Vega-Lite, 这是一种json化的可视化图表语法.

Threejs 发布 r100

Octree has been removed.

Removed Geometry support from Mesh.updateMorphTargets(). Use BufferGeometry instead.

The default orientation of RectAreaLight has changed. It now looks along the negative z-axis.


Cesium 发布 1.53


Added image-based lighting for PBR models and 3D Tiles.

Double click away from an entity to un-track it

Fixed 3D Tiles visibility checking when running multiple passes within the same frame

Fixed contrast on imagery layers.

Fixed rendering transparent background color when highDynamicRange is enabled.

Fixed translucent geometry when highDynamicRange is toggled.

D3 发布 5.8


d3 5.8.0 is out, and it’s BIG! ? Adds selection.join, transition.end, and a ton of new scale types and conveniences.

PoPo 数据可视化


聚焦于Web数据可视化与可视化交互领域,发现可视化领域有意思的内容。不想错过可视化领域的精彩内容, 就快快关注吧 popodv_com :)





3.新建一个文本文档,在里面写入两行指令:RD %TEMP% /S/QMKDIR %TEMP%然后另外储存为*.bat格式(比如CleanTEMP.bat),这样只要打开一下CleanTEMP.bat档案就自动清空Temp资料夹下的杂碎了。4.经过以上三步,我们其实可以很好的清除那些…

layoutSubviews 调用情况

init初始化不会触发layoutSubviews 但是是用initWithFrame 进行初始化时,当rect的值不为CGRectZero时,也会触发addSubview会触发layoutSubviews设置view的Frame会触发layoutSubviews,当然前提是frame的值设置前后发生了变化滚动一个UIScrollView会触发la…


我是Max,Spectrum的技术联合创始人。Spectrum 是一个面向大型在线社区的开源聊天应用程序,最近被GitHub收购。我们是一个三人团队,主要拥有前端和设计背景,我们在这个项目上工作了近两年时间。 事后看来,以下是我做出的…



kali linux网络配置

事情是这样的 今天早上想安装一个按个人信息生成密码的软件 发现无法安装 发现问题后 我首先检查了kali有没有获取到IP 然后就是没有获取IP 怎么解决问题如下: 原理进程: 1.写入dhcp服务 1.进行DNS设置 首先输入命令: gedit /etc/network/int…


摘要 腾兴网为您分享:番茄小说,唱吧app,酷狗,腾讯会议,唯品会等知识经验教程,欢迎大家关注腾兴网。小米4c路由器该怎么设置,不少小伙伴们不清楚设置方法是什么,想要知道该怎么设置的&#xff0c…


为什么80%的码农都做不了架构师?>>> 工作质量考核设计关键字:CCBPM工作质量考核时效考核 需求背景:我们把在工作流程引擎中的考核分为两种模式,一种是时效考核、另外一种是质量考核。 时效考核就是对用户的操作进行时间点的记录&…

android 自定义录像机,android-camera2 - 将自定义捕获请求构建器选项设置为使用Camera2 API捕获图像以使用OpenCV库进行摄像机校准 - 堆栈内存溢出...

我们正在使用Camera2 API捕获N张图像,而未设置任何自定义捕获请求构建器选项。 我们正在使用这些图像通过OpenCV Android库411进行相机校准。然后,我们正在使用OpenCV Android库进行图像失真处理。 角落处的输出图像不清晰,角落向中心缩小。 …