about ajax,About 4nf.org - Arvind Gupta | Ajaxify | The Ajax Plugin

news/2024/7/3 1:55:20

Hi Tony,

That page shows various example calls and example websites, that use this plugin.

Also, 4nf.org serves as an example, that is a fairly complex WordPress site.

By default “previewoff” is true, so that swaps of the content div(s) are performed on click.

This plugin ajaxifies all links, unlike the old plugin you’re describing.

There is a class “.no-ajaxy” by default that prevents selected links to be ajaxified.

As far as events are concerned, the Pronto events as described on https://4nf.org/pronto/ are fired.

Thanks for the link to the “LiveQuery” plugin, which seems to be abandoned / very old and not maintained.

Is there a successor?

Ideally, both plugins – mine and the “LiveQuery” one could be used together, avoiding the re-invention of the wheel.

Instead of copying the functionality of such a plugin, I was thinking of providing some basic page-transitions built-in next.

What do others think?

e.g. jQuery Mobile sort of has support for such page transitions…

What would be the ideal interface for providing page transitions like:

– Left to right

– Right to left

– Top to bottom

– Bottom to top

– Fade in

– Fade out

Thanks and

Kind regards




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