
news/2024/7/5 1:47:22

摘 要


Under today’s new economic system in China, China’s economic level has developed rapidly. With the rapid development of China’s economy, informatization has been fully developed. Under this trend of information, with the continuous improvement of computer performance, computers have changed from an information product that can only be touched by the government or scientific research to an indispensable necessity in people’s work and life. With the continuous improvement of national economic level and infrastructure, people have increasingly pursued a healthier body after meeting the basic needs of daily food and clothing. More and more medical service institutions serve people’s daily life and society. For example, outpatient service in hospitals can protect people’s health at any time. However, the design and implementation of the outpatient management system in our hospital uses JSP/JAVA as the development language and MySQL as the database, which aims to realize many functions such as outpatient registration, prescription, charging, information collection and processing, etc. Hospital information management system can work together in clinical departments, outpatient departments or other administrative logistics departments, and comprehensively manage user information, doctor information, drug information, logistics information and other kinds of information, so as to store all kinds of medical information and analyze big data. This system realizes the information management of the outpatient department of the hospital by means of information technology, reduces the workload of related staff, and greatly lightens some work burdens for them, so that they can take better care of and serve the patients, further improve their condition, and better solve a series of problems arising from the patients.
Key words:Informatization; Java; ; Hospital outpatient information management
目 录
摘 要 I
Abstract II
1 系统分析 5
1.1系统需求分析 5
1.2系统的性能分析 5
2 系统概述 6
2.1系统研究现状 6
2.2 系统的相关的技术介绍 6
2.2.1MySQL数据库技术 6
2.2.2Java编程语言 7
2.2.3BS体系结构 7
3 系统的可行性分析 8
3.1系统可行性分析 8
3.1.1经济可行性 8
3.1.2技术可行性 8
3.1.2操作可行性 8
3.1.2法律可行性 8
4 系统的整体设计 9
4.1 系统的概要设计 9
4.2系统功能的整体设计 10
4.2.1 系统的设计原则 10
4.3系统的详细设计 10
4.3.1 系统功能模块的划分 10
4.3.2 系统用例图 12
5 系统数据库设计 14
5.1数据库逻辑结构设计 14
6 系统功能介绍 16
6.1 系统界面设计 16
6.1.1医院门诊管理系统首页设计 16
6.1.2用户登录界面设计 18
6.1.3系统管理员界面的设计 21
6.1.4医生用户操作界面的设计 25
6.1.5预约就医界面设计 28
7 系统测试 33
7.1系统测试意义 33
7.2测试步骤 33
7.3 测试用例 33
7.4 测试结论 34
结 束 语 35
参考文献 37




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